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SPQR is an initialism or formula for the Latin phrase, Senātus Populusque Rōmānus, meaning "The Senate and the People of Rome." This is a reference to the nation or sovereign entity that was the Roman Republic, and was also used during the Roman Empire to refer to the sovereign state of Rome.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

SPQR was the acronym of Senatus Populsque Romanus. It meant the senate and the Roman people. It was the symbol of the Roman Republic and it appeared on coins, inscriptions, monuments, public works and the standards of the legions. It referred to the government of the Republic, implying that the senate governed on behalf of the people.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Senatus Populusque Romanus, Senate of the People of Rome

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Continue Learning about Ancient History

What is the crest of Ancient Rome?

The symbol was an eagle, and the motto was SPQR, which, when translated, read, the senate and the population of Rome.

What is the lawmaking body of the Roman Republic?

A republic can take more than one form in actuality. Meaning the bodies of legislature can be more than of one name and type. For example, the US is a republic with federal legislative bodies sitting (working) in Congress. The Congress is made up of two legislative sections, the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House represents the people, thus has over 438 representatives (divided up based on the population of each state, thus California has the most reps.) while the Senate represents the states, with each state having 2 senators for a total of 100 Senators. These totals together, Representatives and Senators, make up the number of electoral votes in the Electoral College. this total is 538. When the federal elections take place, the 1st Tuesday in November, every 4 years, the President elect must win 50% plus 1 of the total electoral college votes to become the next president of the USA. The total, 538 legislators, means the President elect has to win at least 269 electoral votes to be elected. Different countries with a Republic system, for example France has one as well, would have the details of their legislative setup somewhat different though similar the USA. This would be the case of all the republics around the world. The other major system of legislative democratic governments, parliamentary systems, would have a different setup entirely. For example all of the members of the British Commonwealth (any nation formerly owned by Britain) would have a Parliamentary system. They would be democratic (selected by the people in voting) but not a Republic (which also is democratic since its members are also selected by the people by vote).

What do the olympic 5 rings stand for?

The five Olympic ring stand for 5 continents

What does RA stand for?

Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Who did Odysseus stand with in troy?


Related questions

What does SPQR stand for in Latin and English?

Senatus Populusque Romanus means The Senate and People of Rome.

Where would you find this written spqr?

What year was the SPQR established?

What does spqr stand for in the lost hero?

In "The Lost Hero" by Rick Riordan, SPQR stands for "Senatus Populusque Romanus," which translates to "The Senate and People of Rome." It is an abbreviation used in ancient Rome to denote the government and people of the city.

What does SPQR mean on a Roman soldier?

SPQR stands for Senatus Populusque Romanus which is Latin for "The Senate and People of Rome."

What is the latin meaning and the English translation of SPQR?

SPQR is the Latin abbreviation for the phrase Senatus Populusque Romanus, meaning the Senate and Roman People.

Roman acronym strting with s?


In the film gladiators what does SPQR stand for?

S.P.Q.R. I supose and hope that it stands for the same thing as in reality : Senatus PopulusQue Romanus in latin The Senat and the People of Rome. Hope i could help

Which four letters form the motto of Rome?


How do you be spqr in rome total war?

i dont know my name

How Romans lead the SPQR?

What your question means is not quite clear. SPQR was the motto of the Roman Republic. The acronym stood for Senatus Populasque Romanus (The Senate and the Roman people).

Why is SPQR important to the Romans?

In English, SPQR is usually translated to mean "The Senate and the Roman people" However, literally it would be "the senate and the citizen people of Rome". But there is controversy over that letter Q. The letter Q could stand for quirites which means Roman Citizen, or it could stand for que which is a suffix meaning and. So until some old Roman is resurrected and tells us exactly what SPQR means, "The Senate and the Roman People" will have to do.

Is the roman flag blue or red?

It was red with the letters SPQR in gold.