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"Majoritarian politics' is democracy in the extreme. While in a democracy, the term 'majority rules' is accepted, often the wishes of a vocal minority are incorporated into laws being passed. In majoritarian politics, however, the majority does rule, and the wishes of the minority are typically disregarded.

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15y ago

In a "Representative Democracy", The leaders or office holders will be so constrained, by what the majority of the people they are representing, that the actions of these office holders will follow the preferences of the citizens very closely, This is known as Majoritarian Politics.

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15y ago

A Majoritarian Democracy is a government in which decisions are made according to the majority rule. ie: 10 student want to go on a field trip and 9 want to stay in class because it is raining- with 10 being more than 9 they went on the trip.

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A popular election is the primary mechanism for democratic government in which model?

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13y ago

it is when Lazer chickens from space attack the World and we all die!

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Q: What is a Majoritarian Model?
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An alleged weakness of the majoritarian democratic model is its?

That you'll never make everyone happy.

Is the US majoritarian or anti-majoritarian?

Both! The democratic process is majoritarian, but the Constitution is anti-majoritarian in that it protects fundamental rights from being infringed by the majority.

What have observers of real politics questioned in the majoritarian model's assumptions?

They have challenged the idea that citizens are knowledgeable and want to participate.

The Mayflower Compact was an example of what kind of democracy or government?

Basically, it's a majoritarian model, meaning that the majority rules.

What is the difference between majoritarian politics and elitist politics?

The answer lies in who is deciding the political discourse of the state. In a Majoritarian model, the people make decisions through majority rule. In an Elitist model, however, the political decision making power rests in the hands of a small group that are deemed superior in either wealth, education, heritage, or all of the above.

Does the word majoritarian exist?

yes it does.

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The disadvantages of majoritarian system and proportional election system included the use of proportional representation (PR) in voting.

What is majoritarian?

"Majoritarian politics' is democracy in the extreme. While in a democracy, the term 'majority rules' is accepted, often the wishes of a vocal minority are incorporated into laws being passed. In majoritarian politics, however, the majority does rule, and the wishes of the minority are typically disregarded.

If majoritarian decision making would reduce the size of the national bureaucracy pluralist decision making?

increases it

What government is best for Iraq?

The best type of government for Iraq is a consensus based democracy apposed to a majoritarian government. Consensus democracy is the by far the fairest option because it allows for smaller political groups with limited support to have a voice in government. On the downside it isn't as efficient as Majoritarian democracy where the winners that take power direct policy so things get done quickly. With that said, in the consensus democracy, policy requires compromise. This is important in an unstable, violent country where people have weapons readily available. The key is having everyone represented. Majoritarian democracy can lead to flip flopping policies. (changes undone, redone, etc with different parties in power) Consensus democracy change is harder to make and can lead to more long term stability of policy. (same coalition members over time) Hope this helps!

What type of voting system does Germany use?

Additional Member System which is a hybrid system (both majoritarian or 'normal' and proportional).It is a mixture of first past the post (same as the UK) and top-up seats which make the system more proportional.

Why is defense policy a mix of majoritarian and elite politics?

In the general context of "Society and Civilization," the defense policy of a given social group or nation is for several reasons a mixture of majoritarian and elite politics. For one thing, even many totalitarian or absolute societies are influenced by the opinions and feelings of the mass-majority, despite the fact that ultimate decision-making power lies in the hands of elites. For another thing, where democratic societies are concerned, the mass-majority is constitutionally significant: the "elites" in power in such societies cannot formulate policies, defense-oriented or otherwise, without some consideration being given to the will of the people -- at least, not without repercussions of some kind.