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Exotic Species.

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Q: What is a species that is not native to a particular region is?
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A species that is brought to a place where it never lived is considered a native species true or false?

False. A species that is brought to a place where it never lived is considered an introduced or non-native species. Native species are those that naturally occur and have evolved in a particular region or habitat.

What is the meaning of endemic animals?

Endemic species are native to a particular region and can only be found in that one area. Native species are naturally found in that region (i.e. they were not introduced there) but they are also found naturally occurring in other regions around the world.

Where is the Acai species native to?

The Acai species is native to the Amazon region of the South America.

Define Endemic species?

Endemic species are the species that are native to a certain area or region. It is the ecological state or location of a specific species. For example: Koalas are an endemic species in Australia.

What native species are called?

Animals living in the same region would be referred to as animals which are 'native to (region)'. So, you might say 'Kiwis and keas are birds native to New Zealand', or 'Giraffes and zebra are native to Africa.'

Are all non native species are invasive?

No, not all non-native species are considered invasive. Non-native species become invasive when they negatively impact the environment, economy, or human health in the new area where they have been introduced. Non-native species that do not cause harm are not deemed invasive.

What are exotic species and how do do they endanger other species?

a species that has been introduced from another geographic region to an area outside its natural range

What are endemic specie?

Species that are native to a specific region. Example: Polar bears are endemic to the Arctic region.

What are native animals of a region called?

Native animals of a region are called indigenous or endemic species. These are species that have naturally evolved in and are unique to that specific geographic area.

What is the difference between introduced species and native species?

Native and indigenous are similar meaning words that refer to naturally growing plants, living animals, and even original inhabitants of a particular region.When using for animals, indigenous is used for species, while native is used for particular animals and not whole species.For human beings, both native and indigenous are used almost interchangeably.

What does nonidigenous mean?

"Nonindigenous" refers to species or organisms that are not native to a particular area or ecosystem. These species have been introduced by human activities and can have disruptive effects on the local environment and native species.

What is a foreign species introduced from an area from a another region called?

A foreign species introduced from one region to another is called an invasive species. These species can disrupt the natural balance of an ecosystem and have negative impacts on native species and their habitats.