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1.the doctrine that sovereign power is vested in the people andthat those chosen to govern, as trustees of such power,must exercise it in conformity with the general will.

2.American History . (before the Civil War) a doctrine, heldchiefly by the opponents of the abolitionists, that the peopleliving in a territory should be free of federal interference indetermining domestic policy, especially with respect toslavery.

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13y ago
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11y ago

The idea of popular sovereignty is just the idea that people ofÊa particular region or stateÊshould decide what kind of goverment they want to live under, it was popularized during the civil war.

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10y ago

Popular sovereignty is the belief or concept that the state is created by the will of its people. True popular sovereignty gives political power to the state.

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10y ago

States that have the issue to vote on slavery

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11y ago

Popular sovereignty or the sovereignty of the people is the principle that the authority of the government is created and sustained by the consent of its people

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the popular os sovereignty

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the sovereignty of each state, known as popular sovereignty

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Popular sovereignty is important to a republic. The main principle of popular sovereignty is that the government is created by the people for the people.

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Popular Sovereignty

Why is popular sovereignty important parts of the government?

Because popular sovereignty is part of the government and when they elect the leader they needed popular sovereignty right that is why an important.

A sentence using popular sovereignty?

Popular Sovereignty is a government in which the common people rule.

The notion that power lies with the people is called popular what?

popular sovereignty

Is voting an example of popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty means people have a voice in the government and this means they have a voice to vote in the government

Who are those who rule in popular sovereignty?

Those who rule the popular sovereignty are the people.

Which provisions in the constitution ensure popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty refers to a political doctrine which states that governmental powers resides in the people. The Preamble ensures popular sovereignty.

What is nominal sovereignty?

Nominal sovereignty is authority in name and not in practice compared to substantive sovereignty which commands real authority.