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If a senator chose to be active in politics, his job was to debate and vote on issues. His job during the period of the emperors was to advise and consent. At any time he could put up a proposal for a law and have it debated in the senate. He also acted as a kind of juror for treason trials of high ranking citizens.

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12y ago
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16y ago

The senate was the third highest power in ancient Rome

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12y ago

I believe they have no senators during Rome's reign. Rome was a Republic, where people vote on someone who is basically in charge of Rome.

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7y ago

Your answer cannot be answered without knowing what the statements are.

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14y ago

the senate made policy decisions

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6y ago

The senators, who had the votes.

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Q: Who controlled the senate in the ancient Roman republic?
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Who controlled the Roman Senate in the Republic?

The senators, who had the votes.

What is the supreme council of the ancient roman republic?

The Senate

How many more senate members did the roman republic have than the US?

The U.S. senate has 50 members. The ancient Roman senate had at least 600 members. But remember the senate of ancient Rome was not a legislative body as the U.S. senate. The Roman senate was basically a consulting body.

How many branches were in Rome's republic?

The ancient Roman republic had two branches-- the Senate and the Roman people. The magistrates and officials (consuls, praetors, tribune, etc.) were incorporated into the senate, while the votes of the people elected them to their various offices. The ancient Roman republic was not the same as our present day republics even through they are named the same.

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Roman society was divided into the patricians (the aristocracy), the equites (equestrians) who were bankers, money lenders, merchants and investors in shipping and mining, and the plebeians (the commoners). there were also slaves and freedmen

Who controlled the roman senate?

I did.

What is the meaning of Roman senate?

The Senate was one of the governing bodies of the Roman Republic and of the Roman Empire.

What the role of the senate in the roman republic?


What was the role of Romans senate?

the role of the senate in the ancient Roman Republic was to make sure the consuls follower the laws accounted to them and that they didn't take to much of rule over the empire.

How was the government of the Roman Republic different from the government on the Roman Empire?

The republic was run by a coalition of citizen assemblies and senate, the empire by a coalition of emperor and senate.

What are some similarities between the roman and the US republic?

the u.s. can: •vote • has a senate as the roman republic did too

Could a dictators proposal be vetoed by the senate in ancient roman republic?

No. A dictator by it's very nature doesn't ask for permission or votes.