No, the Roman republic did not have three branches of government. They only had two, hence the motto SPQR---the Senate and the Roman People. The Senate could roughly be defined as the upper branch and the popular assemblies could roughly be defined as the representative branch. The Praetors, who, among other things, corresponded to our judges or judicial branch of government, were a part of the Senatorial branch of government.
Consuls raised and led the Roman armies, and presided over the Senate. They had to accept the decisions of the assemblies - Centuriate, Tribal, Plebeian, and of the Tribunes of the Plebs.
yes the senate is, to an extent. The actual, most powerful part of the Roman government was the Roman people (during the republic) The senate was a consulting body only. They could not actually pass a law. Laws were passed by the voting assemblies made up of the Roman people. The people also had tribunes who had the power to veto anything the senate proposed. But the senators were clever and could and did pass resolutions which had a similar effect as a law if a tribune didn't veto them. Of course all this political posturing faded away during the principate when the emperor held the supreme power.
The ten Tribunes of the Plebs were each able to impose a veto on legislation in the Senate - this veto invalidated legislation the veto was imposed on. This was part of the arrangements brought in as the plebs progressively limited the powers of the traditional patrician rulership. When Augustus was trying to settle the political disorganisation of the Roman revolution, he gave himself the permanent powers of a tribune of the plebs - that is the ability to introduce legislation into the senate, and the power to veto legislation, and effective way of controlling laws selectively on their merits.
There were two types of tribune - Military Tribune and Tribune of the Plebs. The former held positions of command and on the headquarters staff of the army. The latter were members of the Senate, with authority to introduce and veto legislation.
Senate Consuls Assembly
The consuls The senate The peoples' assemblies - Centuriate, Tribal and Plebeian.
senates patricians magistratesThe assemblies, the senate and the magistrates.
the separation of powers.
No, the Roman republic did not have three branches of government. They only had two, hence the motto SPQR---the Senate and the Roman People. The Senate could roughly be defined as the upper branch and the popular assemblies could roughly be defined as the representative branch. The Praetors, who, among other things, corresponded to our judges or judicial branch of government, were a part of the Senatorial branch of government.
Tripartite government has no meaning for the government of ancient Rome because they did not have anything like it. Rome had a bipartite government which consisted of the senate and the Roman people. S.P.Q.R. The Senate was the body that proposed the laws and the people, via the assemblies, passed the proposals into law. (At least that was the way it was supposed to work.) However they did have a "check and balance" type of system in the election of the tribunes, who were able to cast a veto on any proposal they considered negative.Tripartite government has no meaning for the government of ancient Rome because they did not have anything like it. Rome had a bipartite government which consisted of the senate and the Roman people. S.P.Q.R. The Senate was the body that proposed the laws and the people, via the assemblies, passed the proposals into law. (At least that was the way it was supposed to work.) However they did have a "check and balance" type of system in the election of the tribunes, who were able to cast a veto on any proposal they considered negative.Tripartite government has no meaning for the government of ancient Rome because they did not have anything like it. Rome had a bipartite government which consisted of the senate and the Roman people. S.P.Q.R. The Senate was the body that proposed the laws and the people, via the assemblies, passed the proposals into law. (At least that was the way it was supposed to work.) However they did have a "check and balance" type of system in the election of the tribunes, who were able to cast a veto on any proposal they considered negative.Tripartite government has no meaning for the government of ancient Rome because they did not have anything like it. Rome had a bipartite government which consisted of the senate and the Roman people. S.P.Q.R. The Senate was the body that proposed the laws and the people, via the assemblies, passed the proposals into law. (At least that was the way it was supposed to work.) However they did have a "check and balance" type of system in the election of the tribunes, who were able to cast a veto on any proposal they considered negative.Tripartite government has no meaning for the government of ancient Rome because they did not have anything like it. Rome had a bipartite government which consisted of the senate and the Roman people. S.P.Q.R. The Senate was the body that proposed the laws and the people, via the assemblies, passed the proposals into law. (At least that was the way it was supposed to work.) However they did have a "check and balance" type of system in the election of the tribunes, who were able to cast a veto on any proposal they considered negative.Tripartite government has no meaning for the government of ancient Rome because they did not have anything like it. Rome had a bipartite government which consisted of the senate and the Roman people. S.P.Q.R. The Senate was the body that proposed the laws and the people, via the assemblies, passed the proposals into law. (At least that was the way it was supposed to work.) However they did have a "check and balance" type of system in the election of the tribunes, who were able to cast a veto on any proposal they considered negative.Tripartite government has no meaning for the government of ancient Rome because they did not have anything like it. Rome had a bipartite government which consisted of the senate and the Roman people. S.P.Q.R. The Senate was the body that proposed the laws and the people, via the assemblies, passed the proposals into law. (At least that was the way it was supposed to work.) However they did have a "check and balance" type of system in the election of the tribunes, who were able to cast a veto on any proposal they considered negative.Tripartite government has no meaning for the government of ancient Rome because they did not have anything like it. Rome had a bipartite government which consisted of the senate and the Roman people. S.P.Q.R. The Senate was the body that proposed the laws and the people, via the assemblies, passed the proposals into law. (At least that was the way it was supposed to work.) However they did have a "check and balance" type of system in the election of the tribunes, who were able to cast a veto on any proposal they considered negative.Tripartite government has no meaning for the government of ancient Rome because they did not have anything like it. Rome had a bipartite government which consisted of the senate and the Roman people. S.P.Q.R. The Senate was the body that proposed the laws and the people, via the assemblies, passed the proposals into law. (At least that was the way it was supposed to work.) However they did have a "check and balance" type of system in the election of the tribunes, who were able to cast a veto on any proposal they considered negative.
The Senate, the Consuls and the Assemblies
It had three assemblies of the people - Centuriate, Tribal and Plebeian, plus ten Tribunes of the plebs who could introduce legislation to the Senate, and had a veto. Much more democratic than today's representative 'democracies'.
First there are The Magistrates: They represented the tradition of monarchy.Secondly, There are the Senate: It represented the tradition of oligarchy.Lastly, the Assemblies represented the democratic element of the Roman Republic.
The Ancient Roman society was categorized into three classes; the plebians, patricians and slaves. The plebians were the poor citizens, the patricians the rich citizens and I need not explain what slaves are. The Roman Empire was governed by two consuls, a magistrate, the senate and the tribunes. The two cosuls were the head of the government and were patricians, the magistrates were made up of the patricians who took out roles such as legal advisors, finances, etc. The tribunes represented the plebians in the government as they; before the tribune was established; were able to vote, but it was not really counted. The senate was a body of ex magistrates who were very wise men who advised the magistrate and consuls.j
Depending on the matter being determined,the magistrates,the senate,the tribunes of the plebs,the centuriate assembly,the tribal assembly,the plebeian assembly.