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Q: Which is not a form of subsistence agriculture?
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How is commercial farming different from subsistence farming?

in commmrcial type of farming main aim is to produce the crop for the sell. In subsistence a form of primitive agriculture

How is intensive subsistence agriculture distinguished from extensive subsistence cropping?

Subsistence agriculture is that in which the farmers use or consume most of what they produce, rather than selling it in a market (commercial agriculture). Intensive subsistence agriculture refers to subsistence agriculture that supports a large number of people on a relatively small parcel of land (i.e., high physiological density). The primary example of intensive subsistence agriculture would be rice growing, such as that found in East, South and Southeast Asia. Extensive subsistence agriculture, on the other hand, is that which requires a lot of land to support relatively few people (i.e., low physiological density). Examples of this type include shifting cultivation/swidden agriculture (or slash and burn) and pastoral nomadism.

Does Canada have commercial subsistence or specialized agriculture?

Canada has specialized agriculture.

Compare and contrast market-oriented and subsistence agriculture?

Market oriented agriculture is the planting and cultivation so as to supply markets and industries. Subsistence agriculture is aimed at feeding a family.

What form of agriculture is found in all regions of the country?

Subsistence agriculture is a form of agriculture found in all regions of the country. It is primarily for food production for the farmer's family's consumption, with little surplus for trade. The scale of subsistence farming can vary from small backyard gardens to larger fields.

What isMinimum life-sustaining agriculture?


Why do you think market-oriented agriculture is more productive than subsistence agriculture?

Agriculture is characterised by a dualistic structure of market-oriented commercial farms and much small-scale subsistence farming.

Does Poland have subsistence or commercial agriculture?

Almost all of Poland has commercial farming or agriculture.

What is the main source of income in a subsistence economy?


Is Australia commercial or subsistence agriculture?

Commercial, primarily.

How many crops are grown in subsistence agriculture?


What is most of the land of Africa used for?

wheat production. and subsistence agriculture