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Lobbyists are representatives of interests groups right? Interest groups are a way for constituents to influence Congress. Lobbies are an irreplacable source of information for members of congress.

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The relationship between lobbyists and Congress has become so close that many have argued that lobbyists have become like staff members to the Republican leadership.

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members of committees

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Q: Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between lobbyists and Congress in recent years?
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Which of the following best describes lobbyists role in the U.S. political system?

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The terms revolving door describes when?

The term "revolving door" describes the movement of individuals between the public sector (government) and the private sector (businesses or organizations), often leading to potential conflicts of interest, preferential treatment, or unethical behavior.

What term describes a group of people who work to persuade policymakers to support their goals?

Lobbyists. Political Action Committee (PAC).

How would you change the relationship between lobbyists and lawmakers?

By forcing all comunication between lobyists and politicians to be recorded and published.

What are representatives of interest groups that work on influence congress?

Representatives.. I think. That or Senators.

What the main role of lobbyists?

The main role of lobbyists is to try and influence lawmakers to change laws. Lobbyists exist for many different industries.

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Lobbyists are individuals and organizations whose sole purpose is to advocate for an industry, group of people, a specific political policy, or a foreign government or entity. Lobbyists are very common in Washington and have a quasi-corrupt relationship with politicians, often providing funds for a politician's campaign or fundraising events in exchange for the politician supporting the policy that the lobbyist is advocating for.

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Which branches of of the federal can be influenced by lobbyists?

All three branches of government can be influenced by lobbyists

Which statement about lobbyists is most accurate?

Lobbyists frequently invite lawmakers to restaurants or other forms of entertainment.

. Which branches of the federal government can be influenced by lobbyists?

All three branches of government can be influenced by lobbyists

What branches of the federal government can be influence by lobbyists?

All three branches of government can be influenced by lobbyists.