to reduce competition from foreign grain producers
It was the North because the north gained money while south lost it because they bought most of their goods from Britain, who goods had the tariffs on them.
Hunters, they declined to forsake hunting in favor of farming.
Northern states opposed it, Southern States were in favor. Finally they compromised, and agreed that 5 slaves would be counted as 3 citizens.
why did andrew jackson favor the destruction of the second bank of the united states
to reduce competition from foreign grain producers.
to reduce competition from foreign grain producers.
Northern industrialists favored tariffs.
To reduce competition from foreign grain producers. Northern America industrialists increase the demand for American. This is for manufactured goods.
NovaNet ANSWER: Northern industrialists
to reduce competition from foreign grain producers
protecting domestic industries from foreign competition. all of the above (NovaNet)
It would increase the demand for American manufactured goods. Tariffs would also increase the money generated by the sale of those goods.
Your vagina
No; the South depended on exporting cotton and US tariffs would have invited tariffs in the countries to which they exported.
Alexander Hamilton favored protective tariffs because it was an essential part of his financial plan. By protecting America's infant domestic economy, he won the favor of the wealthy classes (merchants and manufacturers).