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(For Apex Learning) Mixed economy.

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Q: A country in which some businesses are owned by individuals and other businesses are owned by the government has a?
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Why is the census taken in New Zealand?

So we can record facts and figures of all the unique individuals that make up New Zealand. This allows the government, hospitals, government agencies and other businesses provide the services, technology, and ways to improve New Zealand to be a better country.

Why is the New Zealand census done?

So we can record facts and figures of all the unique individuals that make up New Zealand. This allows the government, hospitals, government agencies and other businesses provide the services, technology, and ways to improve New Zealand to be a better country.

What institutions other than businesses are important to the economic structure?

There are many other important groups, such as the family, government, churches, and schools. All these institutions play an important role in developing value systems and the moral influences on individuals in businesses.

How did the government assist big businesses?

The government assisted big businesses by giving generous land grants and other subsidies.

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Stockholders are individuals and businesses that on stock in other businesses. Anyone can become a stockholder if they have the money to invest.

A country in which some business are owned by individuals and other business are owned by the government has a?

(For Apex Learning) Mixed economy.

Why do people shop at independent businesses despite higher prices?

I shop at independent businesses because I want my purchases to support individuals and families in my community instead of making some bigwigs or shareholders in some other city or country rich

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peak associations

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What could the government do to better coordinate the efforts of churches, other nonprofit organizations, government agencies, businesses, and individual citizens when emergencies strike?

Free enterprise in a sentence?

Free enterprise refers to an economic system where individuals and businesses have the freedom to own and operate their own businesses, make independent decisions about production and consumption, and compete with others in the market.

Why are government corporations not considered businesses?

The government corporations are considered to bring benefits for all people in the country not in the term of profit or loss account, or it is the activities that private corporations don't want to deal with. In the other words government corporation expend from tax but business unit from liability.

How does a corporation differ from other types of businesses?

Corporation= A business made by the gov. Business= A job made by individuals.