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Q: A average worker made in one year in 1895?
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How much did the average worker earn in 1895 a year?

In 1895 the average worker made about $1.55 a day. Most people had their own garden, chickens, and livestock to supplement their wages.

In 1895 how much did the average worker earn in a year?

In 1895 the average worker made about $1.55 a day. Most people had their own garden, chickens, and livestock to supplement their wages.

What does the average Canadian worker earn per year?

The average salary of a Canadian worker per year is $43,298.

What was the last year savage model 1895 was made?

The Savage model 1895 was made from 1895-1899.There were approx.6,000 made during this time span.

How many weeks does the average American worker work a year?

About 49 weeks a year

What year was marlin model 1894 serial 128061 made?


What year was a model 1895 serial 177431?

The gun was made in 1916.

What was the average salary of an i dustrial worker during the 1800's?

The average income for a industrial worker in the 1800's was 7 dollars a week. This is about 500 dollars a year.

What year was life of Frederick Douglass made?

February, 1818 - February, 1895

What is average annual salary for a psychiatric social worker?

$54,000 to $82,000 a year.

Average salary auto salvage yard?

The salary of a salvage yard worker will depend on experience and location. The average salary of a salvage yard worker is about $31,000 per year.

What year was marlin model 1894 made serial122261?

With the serial number that you have supplied,your Marlin model 1894 was made by Marlin in the year 1895.