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a government in which a small usally self appointed grouo has the power to rule

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Q: A government in which a small usually self appointed group has the power to rule?
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What is a government in which a small usually self appointed group has the power to rule?


What term describes the type of government in which the power to rule is held by a small usually self-appointed elite?


What is a government zar?

a person appointed to a govenment position usually of fairly significant power that is unaccountable to the people and not elected by the people.

What is the difference between an autocracy and an oligarchy?

An autocracy is a government in which a single person holds unlimited political power. An oligarchy is a government in which the power to rule is held by a small, usually self-appointed elite.

Who holds power in an oligarchy government?


What is the difference between oligarchy and autocracy?

An autocracy is a form of government in which a single person holds unlimited political power, but an oligarchy is a form of government in which the power to rule is held by a small, usually self appointed elite.

Who had power in autocracy government?

In an autocracy, power is held by a single, self-appointed ruler.

What branch of government in ancient rome that had unlimited power called a dictator?

The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.

An autocratic ruler has power?

An autocratic ruler has got unlimited power and usually does not allow, not even formally, that others than himself and a close follower group have a say in the government.

Who holds the power in an oligarchic government?

A small group of people, usually rich. Rich people in control use this to their advantage to control people.

What is a oilgarchic government?

small group of peps that have power

authoritarian government ?

a government controlled by a individual or small group with absolute political power . there are no restrictions on the rulers or rulers' power.