The House of Representatives has one power that none of the other branches possess. It is the power of impeachment of a government official.
The origin of government emphasizes the power of violence through the force theory.
The power of a court to judge the constitutionality of laws was established in Marbury v. Madison. In that case, the Supreme Court held that the constitution gives the courts the power to interpret the laws applying the constitution.
The federal government was granted the right to enforce federal laws, including the collection of protective tariffs. This was a power the federal government had not held before.
The President of the United States, for one.
The legislative branch makes (enacts) the laws. The judicial branch interprets the laws. The executive branch enforces the laws.
The House of Representatives has one power that none of the other branches possess. It is the power of impeachment of a government official.
power by force is a Dictator
There are three arms of power: Legislative Power, Executive Power and Judicial Power. It is the Judicial Power (The Judges) that has the power to interpret and apply laws in Australia. Courts and judges are independent of parliament and government.
Depends on the government? Theyre elected or they take it by force...