This is a prompt for an essay you need to do. We don't do your homework and only you can answer your prompt. Your teacher is looking to see how well you understand the lessons and to see your critical thinking skills. This sort of assignment tells a teacher a great deal. I always liked giving assignments like this one and would use it instead of a multiple choice test.
As an avid historian, I find almost any period interesting. If you live in the USA you will find that most people in that country like to study their own nation's history, with the Civil War period a clear front runner.
The duty of a student council historian is to keep valuable memories of organization. They will document any contests, championships, celebrations, honours and so much more.
Cotton Mather
B. A historian reads a letter written by a soldier in the Vietnam War and makes a generalization about the experiences of other soldiers in that war.
human geography
The possessive form of the noun historian is historian's.Example: The historian's presentation was very interesting.
Body paragraphs
a person that goes off subject while explaining their past
Answer this question… Conclusion
it is a historian.
Without historical research, it is difficult to understand anything from that perspective. By researching, a scientist or historian can determine the why and how of the time.
As an avid historian, I find almost any period interesting. If you live in the USA you will find that most people in that country like to study their own nation's history, with the Civil War period a clear front runner.
Howard Zinn is famous for being a playwright, academic historian, author and social activist. He wrote more than 20 interesting books which are very popular.
The historian was confused by the evidence presented to him. They were unable to get a definitive answer from the historian.
The plural of historian is historians.
Polybius was a Greek historian.