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Amicus Curiae

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Q: A person agency or interest group who is not a party to a case but who has an interest in its outcome may file?
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Related questions

Is the fda an interest group?

No. It is a government agency.

What kind of interest group is the American association of retired person which represents older American?

social interest group

Which result is the most likely outcome of the successful actions of an interest group?

The government changes its policies on a subject the group cares about (apex)

What the name for a person who is paid to represent an interest group?

A lobbyist

Why might a person join a interest group?

to have a voice in the government

An interest group tracks the poor performance of an executive branch agency and reports this information to lawmakers This is an informal example of which part of the political system?

An interest group tracks the poor performance of an executive branch agency and reports this information to lawmakers. This is an informal example of which part of the political system?

Why might person join an interest group?

To gain more knowledge on the subject of interest - and share their knowledge with others.

What is the outcome of the conflict among the debarge group?

what is the outcome of the conflict among the debarge group


a business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another business, person, or group.

Is Fedecor a sectional interest group or public interest group?

FEDECOR is a public interest group

It is a law that everyone must join an interest group by the age 18?

No, no one is ever required to join any interest group or other organization at any age during a person's lifetime.

What kinf of interest group is the American assotion of retired person?

It is an advocacy group for the benefit of retired people and those over 50.