Because they are copy cats
We don't have your list, but because people stayed in one place they were able to create government, religion, arts, and build massive temples and buildings.
There are 256 recorded Pharaohs from 'Dynasty 0' (Archaic Period 3150-2686 BCE) until Dynasty 31 (343-332 BCE) but many Pharaohs are classified as 'unknown' and there may have been many more. Ruling Queens and female Pharaohs are not often counted in the 256+ figure above and this may increase the number to well over 275.
Their called Pharaoh's. But if you prefer they are called kings.
In egypt, there were pharaohs, and in Sumer there were kings and queens
temples and pyramids.
Pharaohs built great temples and pyramids so when past they would have a place to lay rest or be remembered by.
so people could know how great they were compared to the others...
A Pharaohs duty was to serve his people, to protect them and do his best.
no temples are like burial tombs
can someone help me on this
the government but at the time were called kings
One way that the Egyptians decorated their temples was with pictures of pharaohs and Hieroglyphics.
The ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaohs became divine after death. Different pharaohs were devoted to different deities during their lifetimes, as evidenced by the temples they built.
temples for offerings
The Aztecs Built Temples.
Many of them were used a tombs for the highest people of Egypt such as Pharaohs.