Amendments are proposed by a two-thirds vote from Congress. An amendment can also be proposed by a convention called by Congress, if two-thirds of the states request it.
Edmund Randolph of Virginia first proposed the idea of a bicameral Congress, or two-house system; during his time, it was called The Connecticut Compromise.
aearn more about the pros and cons of adopting a new law.
A president can veto a bill that the congress passes and sends to him for his signature and he can refuse to sign it (vetoing it). But the president cannot override vetos. The congress can override president's veto by a 2/3 vote.
Proposed laws are called bills. If a bill is passed, it may become a law, depending on the action taken by the President.
By a veto
Amendments are proposed by a two-thirds vote from Congress. An amendment can also be proposed by a convention called by Congress, if two-thirds of the states request it.
a law is called a bill when it is introduced to congress
It is called a Hopper.
A bill. At this stage, it's something that is being proposed as being a law, but has not yet met the requirements of becoming a law.
Bills are written by legislation. After they are written, they are the proposed in congress. If the bill passes congress, it is then an official bill or law.
Virginia plan
A proposed law is basically a bill that is currently under review by legislation. Once it passes through congress, it officially becomes a law.
If the president vetoes a proposed law - his veto may over-ridden by a 2/3 majoority vote of Congress and, thus, become law.
Virginia Plan