The number of senators is in the Constitution: every state has 2 senators.
Each state is apportioned a number of representatives based on state population. Population is determined every 10 years with a census. In conjunction with state representatives, each state is given 2 senators to represent them in congress. The number of representatives plus the number of senators equals the number of electorial votes each state is given.
"Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress"
Representatives are directly elected every two years.
The amount of representatives is based on the population of the state. If your state is more populated, you will receive a larger number of representatives. This is to even out the playing field. If you have two states and one has a population of 1,000,000 while the other has a population of 1,000 yet you only allow the same number of representatives to represent all the citizens in both states, that is unfair. However, this is also unfair to the less populated states because they won't have as many representatives as the more populated states. So to compromise, the Senate was created, where each state is given two senators to report to the Senate. The Senate is also given more power than the House of Representatives for this reason.
Representatives and Senators.
The number of senators is in the Constitution: every state has 2 senators.
California has 55 electoral votes. There are two Senators and 53 members of the House of Representatives. Representatives are given by population and California has the most.
Round Robin
If a state has four members in the house of representatives, that state will have a total of 6 representatives at the electoral college. The state has one for each representative and one for each senator. Every state has 2 senators, so the state will have 4 for the representatives and 2 for the senators.
Each state is given two representatives to the Senate, regardless of the size of the state they come from. Senators can serve for two years, and then their seat is up for election.
The smallest number of representatives a state can have is one, and they will report to the House of Representatives. The number of representatives are based on population and there is no limit. However, each state is also given two and only two senators, who report to the Senate. So truly, a minimum of three people represent a state.
The 'upper house' of the US Congress is the Senate. It has 100 members, two from each of the 50 states. The 'lower house' is the House of Representatives which has 354 voting members, the number for each state being given according to the number of people in each state.
Each state is apportioned a number of representatives based on state population. Population is determined every 10 years with a census. In conjunction with state representatives, each state is given 2 senators to represent them in congress. The number of representatives plus the number of senators equals the number of electorial votes each state is given.
Each state gets two Senators; House of Representatives members are given by population. Both together equal a state's electoral votes.
There are many differences. In the Senate two seats of representation are given to each state totaling 100 senators. In the House of Representatives, representation is based off of the population of each state taken every ten years at the census. In impeachment cases, the House of Representatives impeaches the person and the Senate holds the trial.
There are many differences. In the Senate two seats of representation are given to each state totaling 100 senators. In the House of Representatives, representation is based off of the population of each state taken every ten years at the census. In impeachment cases, the House of Representatives impeaches the person and the Senate holds the trial.