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acting on conscience or representing the broad interests of the entire society

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Q: A representative who is performing the role of a trustee is?
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A representative who is performing the role of an instructed delegate is?

primarily representing the wishes of his or her constituents

A contemporary legislator who voted for a bill even though his constituents back home overwhelmingly opposed the bill would be performing the Edmund Burke role of?

he would be performing the Edmund Burke role of trustee.

Can a Registered Representative be a trustee of a irrevocable trust?


A representative who acts on conscience or to represent the broad interests of the entire society is acting as a?

representative of the people.

What is a representative from a farming district who votes against farm subsidies is acting as a what?

A trustee

What kind of representative votes according to his personal judgment rather than the views of his constituity?

A trustee.

What dilemmas do representatives encounter when choosing between trustee and delegate?

With the trustee model, there is a chance that the representative will act for the benefit of his or her own interests as opposed to the interests of his or her constituents. With the delegate model, there is a chance that the representative will not make the best decision for his constituency as a whole and ignore the minority as well.

Decline to Serve as Trustee or Personal Representative?

Decline to Serve as Trustee or Personal Representative(Download)_________________________, who is entitled to act as the trustee or personal representative of the estate of _________________________, by virtue of ______________________, herewith declines to serve as trustee or personal representative.Dated: ____________________________________________________________________Proposed Trustee or Personal RepresentativeDecline to Serve as Trustee or Personal RepresentativeReview ListThis review list is provided to inform you about this document and assist you in its preparation. It is a perilous task to act as a trustee or personal representative in this litigious age. For that reason alone, declining to serve in these positions makes a great deal of senseunless you have a personal commitment to do so. You can modify this document to conform to other offices or positions you elect to decline to serve in.1. Make multiple copies. Send one to each relevant party. Keep one in your personal files.2. Be advised that even declining may cause you to have some legal liability should you be proven to know the “next” in line will cause harm to the parties you were appointed to serve.

Difference between a trustee and a personal representative?

In common law jurisdictions a personal representative is a generic term for the executor or administrator of an estate. A personal representative can also be a person chosen to manage the day-to-day affairs for some other individual under the authority of a Power of Attorney . A trustee is the person appointed by a trust document to manage the property held by the trust.

What do you think the role of a homeroom representative?

I think the role of a homeroom representative is to go to the meeting and get information to tell the class.

What is a Health and Safety representative's role in monitoring conditions?

The role of a health and safety representative is different in each company or workplace.

What does it mean when your name is in capital letters?

On a government document it means the name that appears is not yours, but is that of a trust that you have agreed to be the trustee or representative for.