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Q: A state can pass its reserved powers to which government?
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Power divided between state and national governments?

The federal powers are listed in the articles of the Constitution. The federal government has the right to raise armies and declare war on foreign countries; they also deal with all foreign relations and pass laws that apply to the whole country. State governments regulate laws that deal with families, schools, and land sales.

What powers does the Constitution denied to the federal government?

The power to pass laws retroactively.

What are 3 concurrent powers?

In the United States, some examples of concurrent powers, or power that are shared between the federal and state levels of government, include:Military;Taxation;Infrastructure;Courts;Prisons/Prosecution;Elections.

What amendment says the government has only the powers that the Constitution gives it?

The Constitution Says Specifically: The Tenth amendment lists that the government only has certain powers that are listed in the constitution. The president only has the power to VETO (deny) a law or pass on a law. The other branches only have powers similar to what the president has to do. Basically the government has to pass laws for the people to follow that is all constitutional.

What powers were left to the states in the constitution?

The states had the power to pass and enforce laws and regulate trade within their borders. They could also establish local governements, schools, and other institutions affecting the welfare of their citizens. Both federal and state governments also had the power to tax and to build roads.

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Because of these powers a state can pass laws that regulate certain professions such as lawyers doctor and engineers?

Reserved Powers

Who Because of these powers a state can pass laws that regulate certain professions such as lawyers doctors and engineers.?

Reserved Powers

Power divided between state and national governments?

The federal powers are listed in the articles of the Constitution. The federal government has the right to raise armies and declare war on foreign countries; they also deal with all foreign relations and pass laws that apply to the whole country. State governments regulate laws that deal with families, schools, and land sales.

A states can pass its reserved to which government?


Which of these can a state not do?

States cannot declare war or enter into treaties with other countries, as those powers are reserved for the federal government. Additionally, states cannot coin their own money or infringe on the rights protected by the U.S. Constitution.

What powers does the state governor does not have?

To pass laws

What type of power can a state pass laws that regulate certain professions?

Reserved power

Is the driving age part of the 10th amendment?

Yes and no. Driving age isn't mentioned in the Tenth Amendment, but it falls under the "police powers" traditionally held by the States. This means your State can pass laws regulating driving age and conditional permits, but the federal government can't.Amendment X"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

What powers does the Constitution denied to the federal government?

The power to pass laws retroactively.

Can Congress pass a law that overrides state law?

The short answer is yes, but before it can pass a law they have to have the authority to do so. Congress can only pass a law if the United States Constitution has expressly given that area to them to control or regulate. Recently Congress has taken an expansive view of the Commerce Clause to regulate commerce between the states to expand their authority. The United States Constitution states that any powers not reserved for the federal government is provided to the states.

The state legislature gives what to local governments?

The state legislature gives power, authority, and funding to local governments. This includes the ability to make and enforce local laws, levy taxes, and provide services to their communities. Additionally, the state legislature may also pass laws that determine the structure and organization of local governments.

What are 3 concurrent powers?

In the United States, some examples of concurrent powers, or power that are shared between the federal and state levels of government, include:Military;Taxation;Infrastructure;Courts;Prisons/Prosecution;Elections.