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Q: After the sixth century CE Byzantine emperors maintained political unity primarily by what?
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How are emperors like presidents?

Emperors are like presidents because they are in control of at least some land and becaue they are on the same level.

What is an emperors son called?

a rex or a prince your welcome (:

What is the name of the emperor who was killed by his body guard in the fall of rome and the rise of byzantium?

There was not such thing as the fall of Rome and the rise of Byzantium. The term fall of Rome refers to the fall of the western part of the empire, not the fall of the city of Rome. This part of this empire fell under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples. The eastern part was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years. Byzantine empire is a term which has been coined by historians to indicate the eastern part of the Roman empire after the fall of the western part. The people in question did not know this term and called their empire Roman Empire. Therefore, the so-called Byzantine Empire was the continuation of the Roman Empire. As for Byzantium, the name of this city changed to Constantinople more than 100 years before the Byzantine period. Therefore, there was no such thing as the rise of Byzantium either as a city of as an empire. Six Roman Emperors were killed by the imperial guard, but these were long before the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire

The 17th century divine right of monarchs of Western Europe justified their authority in much the same way as the?

emperors of China who claimed the mandate of heaven.

Are members of the Roman Senate were chosen for life?

During the period of the Roman Republic senators were enrolled for life. Former executive officers of state were given life membership of the Senate. However, the censors could suspend or strike off senators for misconduct. During the period of rule by emperors, the emperors appointed the senators.

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What is the list of emperors of the byzantine empire?


How frequently did leaders change in the byzantine empire?

It varied. The Byzantine emperors reigned for life. Some of the emperors reigned for along time, while others died shorty after their accession to power. The length of the reign of emperors also depended on the political stability of he empire. The empire went thought periods of instability which was usurper emperors and/or civil wars. In such periods power changed hands quickly.

Where was the byzantine emperors throne room?


Who paid for the byzantine art?

Byzantine art was paid for mostly by emperors and the Orthodox church.

Which statement accurately compares the Byzantine emperors Justinian I and Basil I?

Both emperors improved the Byzantine legal system by organizing laws more clearly.

What is the similarity of the incas and byzantine?

they both had governed emperors

Which emperors actions led to the beginning of the byzantine empire?


Many experts believe who was the greatest of the Byzantine emperors?

Justinian I

What started the period of iconoclasm?

The period of iconoclasm was primarily triggered by religious and political motivations. In the 8th and 9th centuries, Byzantine emperors, such as Leo III and his successors, initiated the destruction of religious icons and other religious imagery due to concerns of idolatry and the belief that they were distracting people from the true worship of God. This sparked a widespread movement of iconoclasm across the Byzantine Empire.

Who restored power and glory to the Byzantine Empire?

The Emperors Justinian and Basil II

Did the pope struggle for power against the byzantine emperors and lead to a schism in Christianity?


How did the byzantine emperors view their rule in the church?

In the Orthodox the emperor claims authority over all religious leaders. And in the Roman Catholic the pope claims authority over all kings and emperors.