Yes, Bob Dole ran for president against Bill Clinton in 1996.
bob dole
Because the rebellion failed.
The republican candidate in 1996 was Bob Dole. Bob Dole lost the 1996 election to Bill Clinton with 159 electoral votes. Clinton had 379 electoral votes.
He is on the dole since he lost his job. (He is accepting government money.)
They took their money out of banks and his them at home
many withdrew their money and hid their savings at home
Bob dole like your style bob dole,bob dole . Bob dole
dole money
Many Dole brand bananas come from Costa Rica.
They work mate, they work... or become dole bludgers.... the former is recommended
Elizabeth Dole's husband's name is Bob Dole.
That he wouldn't get his dole money and money off the government because he would become rich
Bob or Robert the same people and Elizabeth Dole did NOT get a divorce.
Elizabeth Dole is a senator in US.