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Q: An economic policy that advocated a reduction in government spending and cuts in personal income taxes is?
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What was the economic policy that advocated a reduction in government spending and cuts in personal income taxes called?


An economic policy that advocated a reduction in government spending and cuts in personal income taxes was called?


What was an economic policy that advocated a reduction in government spending and cuts in personal income taxes called?

This policy varies per country, but it describes American conservativism and the Republican Party's (GOP) economic policies. An example would be the Mellon Economic Plan from the 1920s during the presidency of Calvin Coolidge.

What party supports both personal and economic freedom?

The Libertarian Party typically supports both personal and economic freedom. They advocate for minimal government intervention in both social and economic matters, promoting individual liberty and autonomy.

What did Voltaire believe the government should do for the people?

Voltaire believed that the government should protect the rights and freedom of its citizens, promote religious tolerance, and ensure social progress through rational policies and justice. He advocated for a limited government that respected individual liberties and did not interfere in personal beliefs or private affairs.

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How do personal choices factor into the economic decision?

Personal preferences determine demand amongst economic agents.

What happens If I paid my personal estimated taxes about half a month after January 15?

The reduction for your personal exemption is reduced.

What is a version of th political spectrum based on economic and personal freedom?

The Nolan chart focuses on measuring personal and economic opinions, not change.

Who argued that the Framers crafted a constitution that protected their personal economic well-being?

Charles Beard argued that "an economic document drawn with superb skill by men whose property interests were immediately at stake." Source American government book.

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Debapriya Ghosh has written: 'The economics of personal injury' -- subject(s): Accidents, Economic aspects of Accidents, Economic aspects of Personal injuries, Economic aspects of Traffic accidents, Personal injuries, Traffic accidents

What is a version of the political spectrum that focuses on personal and economic freedom instead of change?

The Nolan chart focuses on measuring personal and economic opinions, not change.