you call them as s holes for parking there.
Great Britain's navy kept the ships of the Patriots and of their allies from entering or leaving American harbors. This blockade prevented supplies and reinforcements from reaching the Continental Army.
When the president rejects a bill by leaving it on his desk until after Congress has ended session, it is called a pocket veto.
Leaving it alone.
his father died before him leaving him king at 14.
A Trade embargo.
Immigrate is the act of entering a country. It's counter-part is emigrate, which is leaving a country.
The word 'emigrating' describes the process of leaving ones home country to move to another. It is often confused with 'immigrating' which describes the process of entering a country of new residence after leaving your old one.
You always need a passport to enter another country
Said when entering or leaving the dojo.
yes, the cell membrane does keep material from entering or leaving the cell -karla cruz 7th grade
The blood leaving the lungs is loaded with oxygen, while blood entering the lungs is about to get oxygen from the respiratory system.
A calorimeter.