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Ancient Mexican civilizations included the Olmec's, Zapotecs, Toltec's, Inca, Maya and Aztecs. All of the ancient Mexican cultures are believed to be descended from people who crossed the Bering Strait.

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they built pyramids and temples you fools!

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Q: Ancient Mexican people
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Name some ancient Mexican people?

Olmec Aztec Mayans Toltec

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Should you capitalize Mexican People?

Yes, "Mexican People" should be capitalized as it refers to a specific group of people from Mexico.

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Esaiophobia is the fear of Mexican people.

When was Mexican People's Party created?

Mexican People's Party was created in 1977.

When did Mexican People's Party end?

Mexican People's Party ended in 1981.

Are Mexican people the fattest?

Yes. It is true to say that the Mexican people the fattest.

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Most likely people will call you a German Mexican.

What is the difference between Spanish people and Mexican people?

Spanish people are from Spain while Mexican people are from Mexico. Hope this helps!

When did Federation of Parties of the Mexican People end?

Federation of Parties of the Mexican People ended in 1954.

When was Federation of Parties of the Mexican People created?

Federation of Parties of the Mexican People was created in 1945.

Do Mexican people have a lot of children?

Yes they do. Mexican people does have a lot of children. If you look at some places it has A LOT of Mexican kids, and people. So YES! - They do have a lot of children!