An antonym is a word opposite in meaning of another word. There are no antonyms for the word guillotine (a machine designed for carrying out executions by beheading).
The Guillotine originated in France.
No, he was beheaded by guillotine on July 28th, 1794.
An antonym for amnesty is punishment or penalty.
a antonym of cargo hard to awnser but i will anwser the synonym is goods it took me 2 hours but i did it
You would likely be killed BY a guillotine if placed IN a guillotine.
The Guillotine
a guillotine
Guillotine. It would cut off the heads of the victims, during the Reign of Terror. Certain people thought it was more humane than the old way of killing people [hangings, or beheadings with axe's]. It's believed that even after you were beheaded by the guillotine you could still live up to 30 seconds.
The Guillotine originated in France.
The purpose of guillotine?
By guillotine.
Seems like you must mean 'guillotine'
Madame Guillotine was created in 1931.
Reflections on the Guillotine was created in 1957.
Dry Guillotine was created in 1938.
Two on a Guillotine was created in 1965.