It limits leaders ability to make decisions that go against established laws (APEX)
A group of oppressed citizens violently overthrows a corrupt king and establish a democracy.
the rule of law
There isn't one. The founders hated democracy. We have a semblance of democracy in our voting system, but that's it. This is good. America is a republic bound by the rule of law, that is to say, a person's life, liberty, and property must be preserved if it was rightfully attained. If 99.9% of the people think that Joe the Plummer doesn't deserve his house, and doesn't deserve to live the mob-rule mentality would win in a democracy. In a Republic, the rights of the individual win out over the desire of the majority.
Rule Of Law. :)
The Rule of Law was made its supreme maxim.
It is important, as it gives the government legitimacy. ~ APEX
It is respected, as leaders are accountable to the people.
it is supported by me jazzy.
It is not respected, as rulers violate laws as they please
A Democracy, OR a Republic.
The idea that laws should be generally obeyed at all times -apex
That is one of the essential definitions of democarcy that they be ruled by law. ---- Absolutely not! A democracy is characterized by majority rule. The "law" is whatever the majority says it is, and it can change like the weather. The "rule of law" is one of the measures taken to prevent tyranny by the majority. The "rule of law" protects the rights of individuals from the whims of the majority.
The Roman republic was a democracy in which the government leaders were elected by the people to speak for them and to rule them. The Etruscan rule was that of a monarchy in which one man ruled and his word was law no matter what the people wanted.The Roman republic was a democracy in which the government leaders were elected by the people to speak for them and to rule them. The Etruscan rule was that of a monarchy in which one man ruled and his word was law no matter what the people wanted.The Roman republic was a democracy in which the government leaders were elected by the people to speak for them and to rule them. The Etruscan rule was that of a monarchy in which one man ruled and his word was law no matter what the people wanted.The Roman republic was a democracy in which the government leaders were elected by the people to speak for them and to rule them. The Etruscan rule was that of a monarchy in which one man ruled and his word was law no matter what the people wanted.The Roman republic was a democracy in which the government leaders were elected by the people to speak for them and to rule them. The Etruscan rule was that of a monarchy in which one man ruled and his word was law no matter what the people wanted.The Roman republic was a democracy in which the government leaders were elected by the people to speak for them and to rule them. The Etruscan rule was that of a monarchy in which one man ruled and his word was law no matter what the people wanted.The Roman republic was a democracy in which the government leaders were elected by the people to speak for them and to rule them. The Etruscan rule was that of a monarchy in which one man ruled and his word was law no matter what the people wanted.The Roman republic was a democracy in which the government leaders were elected by the people to speak for them and to rule them. The Etruscan rule was that of a monarchy in which one man ruled and his word was law no matter what the people wanted.The Roman republic was a democracy in which the government leaders were elected by the people to speak for them and to rule them. The Etruscan rule was that of a monarchy in which one man ruled and his word was law no matter what the people wanted.
It rised to the Rule of Law.
stability of government Democracy Rule of law
A liberal democracy is a government in which people vote for politicians and those politicians are restrained by rights given to the people and by the rule of law.
Broad Participaton Majority Rule Minority Rights Rule of Law Accountable Government