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Strongest in New York and Boston

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Q: At the start of the war british forces were?
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Who was the commander of the British forces in America at the start of war?

Commander Thomas Gage

At the start of the war British forces wereing?

Strongest in New York and Boston

What were the British Forces at the start of the war?

Strongest in New York and Boston - Apexvs answers

When did US join forces with the the british?

World War I

Why are British forces in Afghanistan?

In support of the War on Terror.

What battle led to the surrender of the British?

The siege of Yorktown led the British forces to surrender to the american and french forces in the american revolutionary war.

Where did British forces make greatest gain during the war?

which war

What were the strength of the colonial forces at the start of the revolution?

There were several strengths of the colonial forces at the start of the Revolution War. The American troops were fighting closer to home than the British allowing them easier access to troops, supplies, and medical treatment. The colonial forces also believed strongly in their cause to gain independence from Great Britain which added to their strength during this war.

Were there any Germans in the British Army in World War 1?

Well King George V, as Head of the Armed Forces, was a German.... so that's a start.

Site were british and french forces in the Sudan almost went to war in 1898?

the site where both forces almost went to war was in FUSHODA

Which war did Laura secord stop?

Laura Secord didn't stop a war. She warned the British forces of an impending attack by American forces during the War of 1812.

Who won world war 2 in Africa?

The British and Allied forces.