The attitude of the American people toward political parties is seen in the strong feelings an d loyalty they have in their respective parties. The two main political divides in America are Republicans and Democrats.
Political parties are the principle means by which the will of the people is made known to the government.
Oh, dude, political parties totally bring Americans together by giving us something to argue about at Thanksgiving dinner! It's like a bonding experience, you know? We all get to pick a side and then spend the rest of the year trying to convince everyone else they're wrong. So, yeah, political parties are basically like the ultimate icebreaker for the whole country.
In 1789 there were no political parties. In fact Washington warned about the formation of parties and how they would put their interests before the common good of the people. Looks like he was right.
Political parties have unified groups of people and helped them seek and achieve common goals. They help to offer voters choices. Just as people have a favorite sports team that they tend to favor, political parties give people something to identify with. Political parties tend to control who get what, where, when, and how much. Their major purpose for existence is to get people to elect their candidates. Political parties tend to attract people based on their performances and their political platforms. What the promise and what they accomplish while being in office largely determine which coalitions will affiliate with their party in the next elections. So even though elections between political parties can be heated they have served as a way for people to identify with government and best express their individual voice.
Political parties have an important role to play in inducting/influencing members of the society in direct/indirect political participation in governing the state.The state has been assigned a function with the will of the people and by the people to govern by indirect representation through members elected in a political party. The non governing political parties become oppositions and expose the policies and the weaknesses in governing of the government by elected political party of the state to the people.
they made it that american citizens were the only people who could vote for political parties or election.
Political parties are the principle means by which the will of the people is made known to the government.
The first American political parties developed primarily out differences in policies on the economy and the size of government. There were divisions between citizens who wanted a big government, and those who wanted limited government.
Political parties are the principle means by which the will of the people is made known to the government.
They Like their political views on things
The most right-winged extreme parties in Europe can be compared to the Democratic non-conservative side in the US. Some people may call it socialism, but for now it seems to work. (With exception of Greece)
Political Parties a gruop of people organized to influenced government through winning elections and setting public policy.
Oh, dude, political parties totally bring Americans together by giving us something to argue about at Thanksgiving dinner! It's like a bonding experience, you know? We all get to pick a side and then spend the rest of the year trying to convince everyone else they're wrong. So, yeah, political parties are basically like the ultimate icebreaker for the whole country.
No. Washington warned about the creation of political parties, but it seems that it just happened naturally since most people do have different ideas from another. It was his fear that the party would take over the agenda and not consider the "common good" of the people, and it looks like he was right about this if you analyze the parties today.
Parties provide a voice for people with common political interests
In 1789 there were no political parties. In fact Washington warned about the formation of parties and how they would put their interests before the common good of the people. Looks like he was right.
People can vote them out of power.