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Gaston Adams

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Elizabeth Roberts

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Q: Based on the cases that followed, was the Bakke decision a complete win for supporters or for opponents of affirmative action Explain your reasoning, referring to at least one of the cases that followed?
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Who built Vizcaya?

Are you referring to the villa or the ship?

What practice of giving government jobs to friends and political supporters was known as?

Cronyism gives political appointments or government jobs to political friends. Conversely, nepotism refers to giving government jobs to members of the politician's family.

Which part of the US Constitution contains the responsibilities of the president?

Strictly, not enough information to answer. Are you referring to which part of the constitution the president is mentioned in? Are you referring to the part of the constitution that talks about precedent? What country/region/organization are you referring to?

What jobs did rich people have in 1600?

It depends to what country you are referring to.

Which US Presidents regretted their Supreme Court nominations?

AnswerPresidents try to appoint justices who share their political ideology, in order to extend their influence over government beyond their term of office. Sometimes they misjudge how conservative or liberal a justice is, and find that he or she votes differently than the President expected or would prefer.President Eisenhower is a classic example of someone who erred (in his opinion) in his choices, which had the effect of shifting the tenor of the court from conservative to liberal, something he had not intended.Looking back on his Presidency, Eisenhower once said, "I made two mistakes, and both of them are sitting on the Supreme Court." The former President was referring to Earl Warren and William Brennan, Jr., both outspoken supporters of civil rights.There is no evidence that Eisenhower disliked his appointment of Earl Warren or William Brennan Jr. because they were outspoken supporters of civil rights.

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The American government is what form of government?

It would depend on which country in America you are referring to.

Did slavery supporters attacked Lawrence?

If by "slavery supporters" you mean Quantrill's Raiders and you're referring to Lawrence, KS, then the answer is yes. The raid was at least partially in retaliation for the sacking of Osceola, MO by "Jayhawkers" (Kansans who were against slavery but not necessarily against a little robbery and assassination, as long as they were the ones doing it).

Is it sounder or more sound?

Both "sounder" and "more sound" are correct comparatives. "Sounder" is more commonly used when referring to physical objects ("Her argument is sounder"), while "more sound" is often used when describing sound judgement or reasoning ("His reasoning is more sound").

Is foes correct English or is foe correct?

1: one who has personal enmity for another2 a: an enemy in war b: adversary, opponent3: one who opposes on principle 4: something prejudicial or injuriousTherefore, it seems:foe for one or for two or more enemies, or opponents

Who are the opponents to Jesus's ministry?

If you are referring to those who opposed Jesus during his lifetime, it was the Sadduccees, the Pharisees, and their ruling authority, the Sanhedrin.All of them belonged to the conquered Jewish theocracy answerable to the Roman Empire.

What is Verble in 11 plus?

If you're referring to the 'Verbal' aspect to the 11+ Examination, it refers to the style of question known as 'Verbal Reasoning'. Usually a logical question requiring a logical answer.

What led President Andrew Jackson's opponents to call him King Andrew?

Andrew Jackson expanded the powers of the presidency, which led to his opponents referring to him as King Andrew. Jackson was president from 1829 to 1837.

Yugioh card that if you put it in your opponents deck he loses the duel if he draws it?

there is no such card with an effect like that. you could be referring to parasitic parasite, which is special summoned to their side of the field when they draw it and they take 1000 damage.

What nations lent official aid to opponents in the Spanish war?

I understand you are referring to the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939. The Soviet Union and France backed the Spanish Republican Government. Italy and Germany helped the Military Nationalist Junta.

What is a differnet term for illogical?

The term which is used for illogical is irrational, referring to something done or said without reasoning. Other terms that may work depending on context are unreasonable, ill advised, rash, thoughtless, heedless, reckless.