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Q: Based on your knowledge of the geography of ancient Mesopotamia choose the two cities on the map that would be most likely to engage in a thriving agricultural trade.?
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Who served aboard a privateer in his teens and later worked as a maker of sails and by age 32 owned a thriving sail factory?

James Forten

What was Augustus goal when he became emperor?

Octavian's goal was to establish his own absolute personal rule while pretending to be restoring the Roman Republic, whereas in actual fact he was dismantling its institutions. The pretence was due to the fact that the assassination of Julius Caesar had shown that one who appeared to be trying to become a king (i.e. an absolute ruler) was liable to be killed. Octavian succeeded in establishing his personal rule and become the first Roman emperor because as the winner of the final civil war of the Roman Republic he had gain control of the Roman Army. He also had acquired a vast fortune through the spoils od war, which he used for patronage. His personal rule was formalised in the First Settlement with the senate of 27 BC. He was also given the honorary title of Augustus (the venerable one). Historians use the name Augustus to indicate the period when he was an emperor. Through his strong personal grip on Roman politics Augustus was able to establish a strong central government which was capable to control the provinces of the empire which had previously been treated like personal fiefs by the provincial governors. He also reduced the corruption which had been rampant in the Late Republic. Augustus fostered the development of thriving trading network throughout the empire through low taxes and the development of infrastructure (roads, bridges, ports, canals, aqueducts, dams and the like. He commissioned or supported public works in the city of Rome.

Why do you think places like Venice and Barcelona became important trade centers?

ANSWER Venice grew thanks: 1 - Its unique geographical location, which put it away from attempts to seize and/or siege it from the land side and made it extremely hard, if not impossible its investment by an enemy coming from the sea. 2 - Its fleet, which not only granted its defence and dominated the whole Adriatic Sea but also established a thriving stream of trades and a chain of settlements and naval strongholds all over The Central and Eastern Mediterranean and a chain of settlement. 3 - The monopoly in the trade of vital goods such as, for instance, the salt and the spices the Republic of Venice was able to impose to all the States and City-states gravitating towards the Adriatic Sea. 4 - Its oligarchic, but well balanced government, which prevent the Republic of Venice from any attempt of establishing a Lordship and its policy which was aimed to defend only its possession and commerciale routes, abstaining from territorial gaines dictated by the wish to dominate and conquest, as the other states of that time were accustomed to do.

What was the Great Prosperity?

"The Great Prosperity" is a term some use to refer to the post-WWII period, from the mid-40s to the late-70s, when the economy in the US was strong and the middle class was thriving. Robert Reich uses the term in his 2010 book Aftershock.The Great Prosperity was a time when the US was making massive taxpayer funded investments in America, from the building of the interstate highway system to the GI Bill which promoted home ownership and subsidized college tuition for returning veterans. This ambitions set of programs were funded by a very progressive tax system with top income tax rates in the 80 to 90% range, which were also used to pay off the war debt. Unions were also still strong during these years and globalization had not yet taken hold.According to Census Bureau data, from 1947 to 1979 the bottom 20% of Americans saw a 116% growth in their income after adjusting for inflation, the middle 20% saw growth of 111%, and the top 5% saw their incomes grow by 86%. It's a period when prosperity was clearly shared across the board and the middle class was growing.This stands in stark contrast to the period Reich calls "The Great Divergence," from the late-70s onward when the US radically shifted courses and began dismantling many of those former programs while giving large scale tax cuts to the wealthiest premised on the concept of "trickle-down" benefits. Instead, the income growth that did take place went almost entirely to the wealthiest Americans while the wages for most Americans remained stagnant.During this period, 1979 to 2008, the bottom 20% actually saw their incomes decline by 4% after adjusting for inflation, the middle 20% of income earners saw their incomes grow by only 14%, while the top 5% realized income growth of 73%. By 2008, income disparities had reached their highest level since 1928, just before the Great Depression.

In 1997 on the occasion of 50th anniversary of Indian independence the us senate pass the resolution designating it as a celebration of which day?

Indian and American democracy President Clinton's Message on50th Anniversary of India's IndependenceAugust 15, 1997Tonight we mark the 50th anniversary of one of the pivotal events of the 20th century; the independence of a democratic India. At midnight on this day in 1947, the colonial era ended and a new birth of freedom came to one of the world's great peoples. It was a moment of joy for India - and for men and women everywhere inspired by Mahatma Gandhi's vision and by India's quest for independence. It was a moment, as Prime Minister Nehru, said, "when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance." In the decades since, the world's largest democracy has grown into one of its most resilient and vibrant. India has preserved for one-fifth of humanity that most precious gift: freedom. It has forged a strong, modern state for an ancient and rich civilization, and built a thriving economy. And India has become an influential voice in the world community an example to peoples everywhere striving for human dignity and the right to determine their own future. A free and independent India has given America many gifts - above all the 1 million sons and daughters who have come to our nation and enriched it beyond any measure. And our two nations have come together frequently in common cause. Now, in a world that is growing closer with every passing day, we must redouble our efforts to strengthen peace, stability and democracy in South Asia and around the world…to bring the benefits of the global economy to all our people…to reduce the threat of weapons of mass destruction. For India and the United States, Nehru's words from 50 years ago ring true today. He said, "The achievement we celebrate…is but a step, an opening of opportunity, to the greater triumphs and achievements that await us." When the First Lady visited India two years ago, she was struck by the warmth of her reception and the remarkable diversity and dynamism of India's people. I very much hope to visit India during this term of office. For today, let me simply say, on behalf of the American people: happy Independence Day, India. May your next 50 years be even brighter than the half century of freedom we celebrate tonight

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