The 4 theories of the origins of the state are:
1. The divine right theory - God created the state.
2. The force theory - One person or a small group of people claim control over the population in an area by force.
3. The natural theory - We coexist because we achieve more from operating alongside others.
4. The social contract - The community population and the leader have a contract. The state has power and authority over the territory.
Separation of powers as defined in the Constitution of the United States has to do with the power the government has over the states. It also provides for states to govern themselves by the rules of the Constitution.
The Articles of the Constitution explain how the government works. They describe the rules for electing our government officials including the President and Senators.
Using distortion, how would you explore and describe a contributor`s position on a given issue?
Racial Heritage Theory?-- it is actually one of the theories that explain economic growth.It had been emphasized during Adolf Hitler's time, stressing that the belief that one race is superior than the other on the basis of color, built, and other genetic factors.
explain amendment number 10
Staet by defining Manager Then explain what motivation is Then explain briefly about motivation theories and how they are important to
This is a scientific law. Theories explain (or attempt to explain) laws.
It is true.
Theories explain (or attempt to explain) laws. conceptwhat are the types of market efficiency
Content theories attempt to explain work behaviors based on an individual's needs, motives, and desires. These theories focus on understanding what drives individuals to perform certain behaviors in the workplace. Key examples of content theories include Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Alderfer's ERG Theory.
Depression stems from a lack of seratonin in the brain. Seratonin is a chemical your brain creates that gives a sense of euphoria. other mood disorders are believed to be genetic.
Explain briefly why do you want to join Ecolog*
Two major theories that attempt to explain hearing are the place theory and the frequency theory. The place theory suggests that different sound frequencies activate different areas on the basilar membrane in the cochlea, while the frequency theory proposes that the rate at which nerve impulses are generated in response to sound waves determines pitch perception.
briefly explain the charateristics of international business environment
define hrm briefly explain various functions of hr
give and briefly explain the responsibilities of a housekeeping manager?