If you were born here, you are a citizen by right of birth. So, you are eligible to be president. 6 previous US Presidents had foreign born parents. Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) is the only president born of two immigrants, both Irish. Presidents with one immigrant parent are Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809), whose mother was born in England, James Buchanan (1857-1861) and Chester Arthur (1881-1885), both of whom had Irish fathers, and Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) and Herbert Hoover (1929-1933), whose mothers were born respectively in England and Canada. Obama will be the 7th US President with at least one foreign born President, since his father was a Kenyan native. His mother was born in Kansas. On a side note, you do not have to be born in the US to be a "natural born citizen" which is one of the requirements to become president per the constitution. John McCain was born in the foreign nation of Panama. But, since his parents were US Citizens, he automatically became a citizen at birth. He was "naturally born" a US citizen and is thus eligible to hold the office of President. Also, recent arguments that due to Obama's father not being a naturalized citizen he is ineligible to serve are moot, as are even claims that he was born in other countries, i.e. Kenya, as a part of the Constitution states that even if one parent is an alien, as long as the other is a U.S. citizen that has lived for at least 5 years in the U.S.A., then regardless of where that person is born, they are considered a U.S. citizen until alternate citizenship status is obtained.
Age and Citizenship requirements - US Constitution, Article II, Section 1 No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.
Yes you can, if you were a 'natural born citizen' of the US. Legally, that just boils down to the same requirements for being a citizen at birth. If both your parents are US citizens, but you are born abroad, you are a natural born citizen. John McCain, for example, was born in Panama, but the courts ruled that he was eligible to run for president because his parents were both citizens. If only one parent is a US citizen, then there are some more complicated rules to determine whether or not you are a citizen, but as long as you were a citizen from the moment you were born, no matter where you were born, you are eligible for president.
Yes, providing that at least one parent is a Citizen of the United States prior to birth. John McCain was not born in the United States, but he is a natural born U.S. citizen by blood.
Yes, they have to be born a US Citizen and can not be a naturalized citizen. If a parent is on duty in Another Country and has a child that child is a US citizen.
No, you are not allowed to be president
if you you were born to American citizens in a foreign country
The only president who visited a foreign country during his governance was President Theodore Roosevelt. He visited Panama in 1903 to check on the Panama Canal progress.
Hilary Clinton is our current Secretary of State. She advises the president on foreign affairs across the country and helps keep our country safe.
amendment 11
the United States is unhappy with the actions taken by the leaders of that country
The president is the recognized head of US government. He represents the country at summit meetings and state funerals of foreign rulers. He appoints the Secretary of State who serves at his pleasure. He can negotiate treaties and sets foreign policy including dispensing or withholding foreign aid and initiating economic sanctions and military intervention.
If the president was an American citizen for more that 14 years, then maybe.
A president kind of deals with trading with the foreign country. A president also wants to have a good alliance with the foreign country so that if our country needs any help, the other country our president has an alliance with can help us.
If the foreign citizen is in the US and violates a treaty of the US, he/she can be brought in a US court. Otherwise, if the citizen is in another country, the court of that country is responsible for that violation.
You have to be 35 years of age. Born in the US and natural citizen. live in a foreign country for more than 14 years applicable. no religion preferred.
Naturalized citizen may be the term you want. Foreign-born is also used.
Yes, if it is a reciprocating country
Yes. Slovenian same-sex registered partnerships are the equivalent of legal marriage for all rights except joint adoption. So, a foreign registered same-sex partner of a Slovenian citizen, who has been registered for a minimum of two years, may, after one year of residence in Slovenia, apply for naturalization. This is the same requirement as for foreign spouses.
It is chosen primarily by the President and Congress
If you are asking about President Obama, no he was not. He was born in the USA and never studied at any foreign universities. But if you are asking about his father (who had the same name as the president), he did come to America to study as an exchange student, and eventually, he returned to Africa.
Theodore Roosevelt, the nation's 26th President, was the first president to visit a foreign country while serving in office. Roosevelt was a member of the Republican Party.
Inbound tourism is the act of a person from a foreign country or territory traveling within your country and outbound tourism is the act of a citizen from your country traveling outside of the country to a foreign territory.