In theory, yes... you and your brother, cousin, distant relative, friend, guy you just met in the restroom, or whatever can, if you want to, own a car together. There's therefore no actual law saying you and your ex-spouse cannot jointly own a car.
In practice, few divorced couples would want to do this.
Marvin Winans and Vickie Winans got divorced because differences in opinion on starting a church. Vicki did not like the idea and fought it along the way, even though it did become successful. They both admit the both were to blame in the failing of their marriage but both have forgiven each other.
No. His father died of natural causes at age of about 50. His mother never re-married. His father's first wife , Jane Butler, died a year before he married George's mother.
This is a manually altered novelty item, known as a Magician's Coin, made by altering two normal coins and gluing the pieces back together, that sells regularly for a couple dollars. Use a magnifier and examine just inside the raised rim on both sides of the coin, looking for a seam where the pieces are joined, that can be on either side of the coin.
The representative and direct democracy are the SAME thing, but are called by different names.
Amendment 25 gives a process for filling a vacancy in the office of vice president.What happens is that the new President names someone to fill the position and if both houses of Congress approve, he becomes vice president.
Both Divorced
If your names BOTH appear on the title - yes - you will both have to sign.
Unmarrie couple both name on deeds the mortgage is on his name
When you want to address an envelope using both Christian names of the couple you would write it as: Mr. John Doe & Mrs. Jane Doe (example.)
I think is the date they remarried. Both can be celebrated if they want.
no because if something happens then it happens to both of you.
If you are not sure they are separated or divorced then address your envelope to both of the. If you know for sure they are separated then send a separate envelope to each one.
Dave Pelzer was married to Patsy and Marsha, but divorced both. Sorry I don't know there last names.
if you are on a car title and co signed for that vehicle, and it reads " you or them " can you register the vehicle
The correct way to address an envelope to a married couple that have different last names is to use both of their names. For example, you could write Mr. Johnson and Miss or Ms. Dwyer.