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YES! The people decide when the senator is no longer fit to serve in Congress.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Under current law, yes.

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Q: Can a senator be re-elected an unlimited number of times?
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How many times may a senator or representative be reelected?

no limit

How many times an a member of the house or a senator be reelected?

no limit

How many times may a senate or congressman be re-elected?

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What are the term limits for US Senators?

The term of office for US Senators is six years; there are no term limits. A Senator may serve as long as the voters of his (or her) state continue electing him, provided he is not removed from office for misconduct.

How many times may a Senator or congressman reelected?

as many as they can as long as the people want them

How long is a term in the US senator?

6 years. They can be reelected as many times as they want.

How many times may be a senator be reelected?

There is no term limit for serving in the U.S. Senate.

WHAT IS THE House OF representatives term limits?

Not exactly, Representatives have a term of two years, meaning they must stand for reelection every two years. The phrase term limit usually means how many times they can be reelected. There is no limit on the number of times a Representative can be reelected.

How long is Senator term?

US Senators serve for 6 years. However, the number of times they can run for reelection is unlimited.

How many times may a senator be re elected?

an unlimited amount

How many times can a US senate be reelected?

There is no limit on the number of terms a US Senator may serve. This is the same unlimited terms that a representative in the House of Representatives enjoys. There are some ideas floating around that term limits on senators and representatives should have term limits. One problem in having that law passed is that the US members of congress will not place limits on their offices. The best way is to have a constitutional amendment passed.

How many times may a congressman or a congresswomen be reelected?

There is no limit to the number of times a representative can be elected to Congress.