The major types of a government is a direct democracy, representative democracy, constitutional monarchy, absolute monarchy, and a dictatorship.
In a democracy people vote, whereas in an autocracy or oligarchy, they do not vote. Since any influence by voting, however minute, is present in a democracy and absent from an autocracy or oligarchy, it gives more power to the voter by dint of being greater than zero.
Representative Democracy is a system of government in which citizens elect representatives, or leaders, to make decisions about the laws for all the people.
A dictatorship or autocracy would have little or no citizen participation. An oligarchy (rule by a favored few) would have less participation than the typical representative democracy.
A government in which people elect delegates to make laws is a Representative Government. A Democracy could be representative or direct.
Direct Democracy, Tribal Rule, Absolute Monarchy, Dictatorship, Oligarchy, Constitutional Monarchy and Representative Democracy.
Different types of democracies include direct democracy, representative democracy, and presidential democracy. Different types of dictatorships include autocracy, oligarchy, and military dictatorship.
representative democrazy
The countries you have named all practice representative democracy (oligarchy) as opposed to true democracy.
Direct Democracy, Representative Democracy, Monarchy, Dictatorship, Theocracy, Oligarchy, Anarchy and Tyranny. These are the forms of government that all Greek city-states had.
The major types of a government is a direct democracy, representative democracy, constitutional monarchy, absolute monarchy, and a dictatorship.
Democracy is (theoretically) governed by all of the people. An oligarchy is ruled by a small group of people... as "oli-" means "few." Some might argue that the broken democratic system of the US is creating a specific type of oligarchy called a plutocracy, which is when the wealthy rule.
Some words with the stem "archy" include monarchy, oligarchy, anarchy, and hierarchy.
An oligarchy is a form of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or a small group, typically the wealthy or influential. Representative democracy, on the other hand, is a form of government where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. In an oligarchy, power is held by a select few, while in a representative democracy, power is delegated to elected officials to represent the interests of the people.
Over a period of a thousand years it went from Monarchy to Oligarchy to Tyranny to Oligarchy to Limited Democracy to Direct Democracy to broad-based Oligarchy to Direct Democracy to Oligarchy to Direct Democracy etc etc.
First a king, then an aristocracy, then a tyrant, then a democracy, then an oligarchy, then a democracy, then an oligarchy, then a democracy, then a king.
It started as a monarchy, became an oligarchy, then a tyranny, then limited democracy, then an oligarchy, then a radical democracy, then a limited democracy.