ahoy! ya duh! for the most part, apples are very powerful, and if used the right way they can power a jet plane! but in your house, they can power a whole human! honestly! and they taste great too! i bought some apples at the store yesterday and they powered my whole house hold for a week! NO JOKE! My dog even eats apples for dinner! not really but it sounds cute!
The House of Representatives has one power that none of the other branches possess. It is the power of impeachment of a government official.
The Senate has the power to initiate tax bills
The Speaker of the House is in charge of the House and is third in line to the presidency. She chooses the agenda for the House.
The power to impeach
Impeachment PowersIt is true that the power to bring impeachment charges lies with the House of Representatives.
white power!!
I would have 7 apples because I have 1 apple in my house
Honeycrisp or Fuji apples can be used as substitutes for Braeburn apples in a recipe.
It depends on the exact part numbers, but power devices are typically slower. There are, of course, RF power transistors, so you have to compare apples with apples.
To power anything in your house, factories, farms that use electrical current.
Yes, vinegar,salt,and antibacterial hand soap are great preservers for apples.
Well done on finishing the Golden Apples House, you now need to complete the Puzzle Master's House. Please see the related link below for a walkthrough of Puzzle Master House.
Solar power can be used for providing Electricity and heating and for hot water in the house
Apples are used for raw consumption, in cooked foods, for making juice, cider, and vinegar. They are also used in some crafts. Apples can also be processed for some of the compounds they contain such as fructose, and pectin.
Apples are used a lot in Desserts, so propally something sweet
it is used for stuffing apples