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Yes, but only in Nebraska and Maine, where in sted of a winner take all in the state, it is winner takes on congressional districs

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Q: Can electoral college members from the same state divide their votes between candidates and if so how are individual votes determined?
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What is the definition of an electoral competition model?

An electoral competition model can be implemented on the computer to look at important issues between candidates. Then, it can be determined who will have the advantage based on their stances on issues.

When has the electoral college not sustained the will of the voters?

In 1962, when there was a presidential campaign between two candidates who tied. ♥

When has the electoral college not sustained the will of voters?

In 1962, when there was a presidential campaign between two candidates who tied. ♥

According to the rules of the Electoral College Marcus will win the election. What adjustment to the Electoral College would change this outcome?

all states splitting their electoral votes between the candidates based on what percentage of the popular vote they won. (apex)

Who elects the Vice-President if there is no majority in the Electoral College?

The Congress would decide who the Vice-president would be.

Is it true that only 3 presidents have been elected with the electoral vote?

No, just the opposite is true. Of the 57 elections including 2012, in all but two (maybe three, depending on how you interpret 1876), the winner was determined by the electoral vote. Regarding the two cases in which the House of Representatives elected the president, the electoral vote counts determined from between/among whom they voted.

What is electoral volatility?

Electoral volatility refers to the degree of change in voter behavior between elections. It can be measured by shifts in party support, voter turnout, or the number of competitive races. High levels of electoral volatility suggest a less stable political environment, with voters being more willing to switch their allegiance between different parties or candidates in consecutive elections.

Why was the election of 1800 unusual?

It was unusual because it brought about a deadlock in the House. A constitutional defect was revealed through it. Through an outdated provision in the constitution, there was a tie between the Republican candidates standing for president and the vice president between Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Finally Jefferson won.

What happens when somebody is elected for president and doesn't have enough electoral votes?

When nobody receives votes from more than half of the electors, the U.S. House of Representatives elects the President from among the top three presidential candidates with the most electoral votes, and the U.S. Senate elects the Vice President from between the top two vice-presidential candidates with the most electoral votes. That's how John Quincy Adams got elected in 1825 despite being less popular and receiving fewer electoral votes than Andrew Jackson, and the same rules are still in effect today.

Purpose of the creation of the electoral college?

The purpose of the electoral college is to ' break the tie' between two opposing parties. Let's say, there are two candidates running for the presidency. For the sake of argument we'll call them George W. Bush and Al Gore. After all the campaigning is done and all the votes have been tallied and counted, we find that both candidates seem to have about the same number of popular votes. Basically, we have a tie. This is when the electoral college steps in to cast their votes. It is their votes that will be the deciding factor as to which candidate will win the nomination for the presidency.

The twelfth amendment was the result of the presidential election of?

1800, where there was a tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. The tie broke the electoral college because both candidates received the same number of electoral votes. This led to the passage of the twelfth amendment, which changed the way the president and vice president were elected.

What happens if no one has a majority in te electoral vote?

If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution provides that the U.S. House of Representatives will select the president, with each of the fifty state delegations casting one vote, and the U.S. Senate will select the vice-president.