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Q: Can the Congress propose new amendments to the Constitution?
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What is article 5 of constitution?

Article V of the Constitution explains the amendment process of the Constitution, that is, how the Constitution may be amended. There are two processes for proposing amendments, either by two-thirds vote in each house of Congress or by an Article V Convention. All amendments thus far to the Constitution have been by proposal of Congress. The reason a convention to propose amendments, or Article V Convention has never been called despite the 750 applications from all 50 states, is because Congress refuses to obey the Constitution and call the convention. The Constitution mandates that if two-thirds of the state legislatures (34) apply for a convention, Congress must call it. A convention can only propose amendments to the present Constitution and is not empowered to write or propose a new or replacement Constitution. Regardless of how an amendment is proposed it must be ratified in the states either by three fourths vote in the state legislatures or by three fourths vote in state ratifying conventions. The method of ratification is by choice of Congress but Congress has no power to withhold a proposed amendment or veto it once it has been ratified. Once an amendment is ratified, it becomes part of our present Constitution.

What is the most common way to propose an amendment to a state constitution?

Constitutional amendments are proposed in the legislature along with bills, though they must undergo more stringent procedures in order to be ratified.

What fraction of states can ask for a convention to propose new amendments?

States Needed to Ask for a ConventionThree-fourths of the states are needed in order to ask for a convention to propose new amendments.

Why did the federalists propose that the constitution be approved by the ratifying conventions in each state rather than by congress?

many members of congress and the state government were against the new constitution, because it took power from the government and gave it to the people.

What role can citizens play in purposing amendments?

by making a petition and getting it signed. then place it with the ballot when submitting.

Related questions

Are all formal constitutional amendments must be proposed by congress true or false?

False. A convention, called for by at least 2/3 (34) of the states, can propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which must then, as with the Congress, be ratified by 75% (38) of the states.

Can the Congress propose new admendments to the Constitution?


When does congress propose an amendment?

In the fall of 1789, the First Congress submitted the first constitutional amendments to the states for ratification. When Virginia representative James Madison introduced those amendments, some members protested that the Constitution was so new that they ought not hurry to change it

In what ways was the Constitutional Congress lacking in authority?

The delegates to the Constitutional Convention were not authorized to write a new Constitution. They were only supposed to propose amendments to the Articles of Confederation. In that sense they had no authority at all to write a whole new constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation.

What is article 5 of constitution?

Article V of the Constitution explains the amendment process of the Constitution, that is, how the Constitution may be amended. There are two processes for proposing amendments, either by two-thirds vote in each house of Congress or by an Article V Convention. All amendments thus far to the Constitution have been by proposal of Congress. The reason a convention to propose amendments, or Article V Convention has never been called despite the 750 applications from all 50 states, is because Congress refuses to obey the Constitution and call the convention. The Constitution mandates that if two-thirds of the state legislatures (34) apply for a convention, Congress must call it. A convention can only propose amendments to the present Constitution and is not empowered to write or propose a new or replacement Constitution. Regardless of how an amendment is proposed it must be ratified in the states either by three fourths vote in the state legislatures or by three fourths vote in state ratifying conventions. The method of ratification is by choice of Congress but Congress has no power to withhold a proposed amendment or veto it once it has been ratified. Once an amendment is ratified, it becomes part of our present Constitution.

What does article 5 of the constitution?

Article V of the Constitution explains the amendment process of the Constitution, that is, how the Constitution may be amended. There are two processes for proposing amendments, either by two-thirds vote in each house of Congress or by an Article V Convention. All amendments thus far to the Constitution have been by proposal of Congress. The reason a convention to propose amendments, or Article V Convention has never been called despite the 750 applications from all 50 states, is because Congress refuses to obey the Constitution and call the convention. The Constitution mandates that if two-thirds of the state legislatures (34) apply for a convention, Congress must call it. A convention can only propose amendments to the present Constitution and is not empowered to write or propose a new or replacement Constitution. Regardless of how an amendment is proposed it must be ratified in the states either by three fourths vote in the state legislatures or by three fourths vote in state ratifying conventions. The method of ratification is by choice of Congress but Congress has no power to withhold a proposed amendment or veto it once it has been ratified. Once an amendment is ratified, it becomes part of our present Constitution.

What is the most common way to propose an amendment to a state constitution?

Constitutional amendments are proposed in the legislature along with bills, though they must undergo more stringent procedures in order to be ratified.

Why did they write the U.S constitution?

The Articles of Confederation were proving unsatisfactory as a basis for a national government. A constitutional Convention was called to propose amendments to improve the Articles of Confederation. However, the Delegates to the Convention concluded that the Articles could not be salvaged and an entirely new document was needed. Therefore they wrote what is not the US Constitution, submitted it to Congress for approval. Congress approved it and submitted it to the states for ratification.

What fraction of the state can ask for convention to propose new amendments?

States Needed to Ask for a ConventionThree-fourths of the states are needed in order to ask for a convention to propose new amendments.

What fraction of states can ask for a convention to propose new amendments?

States Needed to Ask for a ConventionThree-fourths of the states are needed in order to ask for a convention to propose new amendments.

What are the two ways an amendment can be proposed to the Constitution?

congress can propose an amendment by a two-thirds vote in both houses or the legislatures of two thirds of the states(34 of 50)can ask congress to call a national convention to propose an amendment.

What do most amendments to the constitution proposed by congress do?

The amendments change the constitution, either adding new rules or changing old ones. In the US Constitution, the first 10 amendments (the Bill of Rights) essentially prevented the new federal government from usurping the basic rights that the country was founded to provide.