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Abolished is really the wrong word, as the Supreme Court is not an institution but a legal entity. It'd be like abolishing a person, it doesn't make sense. But, to answer your question:

In theory an amendment could strike out all of Article III of the Constitution that establishes the Supreme Court, thereby destroying the system of checks and balances constructed by our forefathers, and crumbling one of the three pillars of our democratic system. The real question is why would you want to? The Supreme Court is the people's vehicle to challenge not only injustice (See Brown vs. The Board of Education) but also to interact with the law, redefining its parameters, and adapting it to the social consciousness of the day.

What one may not immediately consider is that to dismantle the Supreme Court is to end all judicial process in this country a la the great fascists of the 20th century, otherwise the federal government would not be able to coordinate the laws of various States. Laws would vary wildly from region to region. The last time the States tried to invoke this ability as a legal right was right before the Civil War. It doesn't end well.

I'm guessing the Asker disapproves of a specific decision, but hold out hope: the Supreme Court can overrule itself. Times change, wrongs are righted...ahhh, democracy.

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