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The job of making laws lies in the Legislative Branch of Government. The House of Representatives and Senate introduce ideas or bills and then they are voted on in each house. If the bills pass then they become law. They are sent to the president for his signature. If he doesn't like the law then he can veto the bill and then it goes back to congress for another vote. The president's job it to enforce the laws and the constitution.

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A president can alter a law passed by congress to his own means by issuing a "signing statement" where he announces his conditions to a bill or piece of legislation and then enacts it. The president may also enact an "executive order" that can have as much inpact as a law in many cases.

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The president cannot make law. The president can make an executive order. The status of the order depends on what the order is. For example, as the comander in chief, the president can make military orders (short of declaring war) without congressional approval.

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NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT! Executive orders may only be given in the process of executing and enforcing Federal Laws that have been passed by Congress and either signed by a President or legally made law over a President's veto, or in exercising another Presidential power granted by the Constitution, such as in his role as Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces.

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Q: Can the president change a law?
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no- not in the US. The president can not change any laws at all. Only Congress can change the law . (The Supreme Court can nullify a law by ruling it to be in violation of the US Constitution.) The president can ask Congress to change a law and can campaign for congressional candidates who promise to repeal certain laws.

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As president, the only things he can do are either to uphold the current law of the land, or to introduce legislation in Congress to change the law. As chief executive officer, the president must uphold the law, whatever it is. The president can't single-handedly change the law based on his own preference.

How do you change or make laws?

The laws change but it depends what it is.The president has to sign the paper that's of what law wants to be changed.The laws change but it depends what it is.The president has to sign the paper that's of what law wants to be changed.

Can the president dismantle the existing US government and amp create a new one by executive orders or any other way?

No, no and no he can't. An Executive Order does not make or change law. The President does not have the power to make law, or to change the form and structure of government.

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He signed a law that limited the number of terms a president can have to 2

A rule or command that has the force of law?

it is an executive order. if the president cant change the law of something he has a right to make an executive order which has the same meaning of changing the law

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Martial Law is ordered by a head of state such as a Governor or President. A coup is a takeover by a group wanting change in goverment.

If the president approves a law is it official?

Yes, If the president approves a law, then it is then a true law.

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the king, he can change laws and make new ones and no one can do anything about it, while a president has to ask the citizens for a new law.