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Q: Can the president instantly make decisions to help the Nation even if they disagree with the Constitution?
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Can all three branches of government interpret the constitution differently?

Absolutely. Even US Supreme Court justices disagree with each other's interpretation of the Constitution, which is why there are seldom unanimous votes.While the President and members of Congress may disagree with certain Supreme Court decisions, the justices are the final arbiters of the Constitution. The other branches of government must abide by the Court's opinions.

How do justices determine the meaning the Constitution?

Justices review the Constitution and use their own personal frames of reference to determine what the Constitution says about something. Because so much is open for interpretation, the justices often disagree on what is meant, and so unanimous decisions are rare.

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Economic Advisers to President might disagree about a question of policy because of differing scientific judgments or differences in values

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it depends, as long as the next president will be agood leader

What part of the new constitution did federalists and anti-federalists disagree on?

because they thought differently

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Whether a bill of rights was necessary to include in the Constitution

Did people disagree with the US Constitution?

Most people who saw this new institution forming were against it. In a land where communities were self sufficient there was no need for a constitution of this kind.

Is the president really anti-American?

Absolutely not. This is a myth, spread by extreme right-wing Republicans who dislike him or disagree with his policies. Most moderate Republicans understand that even if they disagree with President Obama, that does not mean he is anti-American.

Should President Obama declare a recess for Congress and the Supreme Court so he can run the country?

One answer: Absolutely. The Supreme Court has no business interfering with Presidential Obama's appointments. President Obama may be forced to suspend the Constitution indefinitely if this interference persists. This is very likely if the Democrats don't hold the Senate and Harry Reid can no longer block the Republicans as he has been doing. Another answer: I fear the previous answer is sarcastic. No president wants to give up any power, and President Obama is no exception. But President Obama understands that America has three branches of government. He may find the current congress to be the most obstructive in perhaps 100 years, but he has no desire to suspend congress, nor could he do so even if he wanted to. The same is true of the Supreme Court-- he may disagree with their decisions, but the constitution says the judicial branch is the deciding body on various issues, and he respects that. So, no the president should not try to run the country without congress or the supreme court. That would violate the constitution, and there is NO evidence the president wants to violate the constitution (contrary to political rhetoric you may have heard on talk shows).