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I assume the House of Representatives has approved the bill then sent it to the Senate for its vote. If the Senate then passes the bill by 69 votes or even 100 votes, the President can veto it. The Constitution does not prohibit a veto if a certain percentage of Congressmen approve it on the first try. After the bill is vetoed it goes back to the House where it originated and if that House votes by 2/3 majority to pass it, it goes to the other House for its approval. If 2/3 of that House also approves it, the bill becomes law without the President's approval. At that point in the process the President does not even have the right to veto the bill.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Yes a Senate can veto a bill after the house of reps to them.

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Q: Can the president veto a bill passed by the senate with 69 votes?
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Where does a bill go after it is passed in the senate?

The bill after every Senate and Delegate has approved or the votes win, the bill then must go to the executive branch.

What happens to a bill that is voted down by the senate?

For a bill to become law it must be passed by both houses of Congress, so when the Senate passes a bill, the same bill must also go to the House of Representatives, or if the House has passed a similar bill, the two bills must be reconciled by a joint committee to produce a single bill that both houses can pass. Then when both houses have passed the same bill, the bill goes to the President for his signature. The President may or may not sign the bill, and if he doesn't, Congress can over-ride the veto if they have enough votes. Otherwise the bill dies.

What happens after a bill is passed in congress?

They ask the president to sign it and if he dissagrees(or vetos it), they have to get a ceirtian precentage to have it passed. After they get the president to sign itso it can be passed, but if he vetos it than the congrass votes on if the bill should be passed or not. i think they have to get 3/4(voting twards the vote) to pass it.

List the basic steps of how a bill becomes a law?

it gets introduced then sent to committees (house of reps) then house votes on it then introduced to senate sent to senate committees senate votes on it voting is called floor action because the bill is on the "floor" for voting then to president where he approves or vetoes

The executive branch's power to refuse to sign a bill is called?

Abrogating the will of the peoples representatives.If you ask this question "what is it called when the president refuses a bill" it is called a veto!!!The president can veto a bill. If a president refuses to sign a bill into law, it will become a law in 10 days after it was approved by congress.

Related questions

Where does a bill go after it is passed in the senate?

The bill after every Senate and Delegate has approved or the votes win, the bill then must go to the executive branch.

How many votes to pass a spending bill in the senate?

Actually, there are a limited amount of people in the Senate. Anyway, the bill is passed when there are more votes to pass the bill EX: 60 wants bill, 25 doesn't

What is a check that the US executive branch can impose on the legislative branch?

The vice president can cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate. The President can exercise his veto on any bill passed and sent for his signature.

Must the health reconciliation bill get 60 votes to pass?

No. The bill has been voted on and passed by both house and senate.

When does the bill go to the president?

After it has been approved by a Senate majority vote.

How many votes in senate needed to block a bill?

The Senate can defeat a bill with 51 votes.

What happens to a bill that is voted down by the senate?

For a bill to become law it must be passed by both houses of Congress, so when the Senate passes a bill, the same bill must also go to the House of Representatives, or if the House has passed a similar bill, the two bills must be reconciled by a joint committee to produce a single bill that both houses can pass. Then when both houses have passed the same bill, the bill goes to the President for his signature. The President may or may not sign the bill, and if he doesn't, Congress can over-ride the veto if they have enough votes. Otherwise the bill dies.

Is their a way a bill in the senate can be passed with only 50 votes?

I am assuming you mean if the 100 members of the Senate were to vote 50 in favor of a bill and 50 against it. In that case, it would be the responsibility of the President of the Senate, who is the Vice President of the United States, to cast the tie breaking vote. Assuming the Vice President voted in favor of the bill, it would pass. By the way, the only time the Vice President is allowed to vote is to break ties.

What vote is needed for a bill to pass in congress?

It takes half of the congress plus one vote. There are 435 people in Congress so half of that would be 217 people. Then you need to have over 50% so that means you need 218 votes. You need 218 votes to pass a bill in Congress.

When can a bill sent to the president for approval?

A bill can be sent to the president for approval after both the House and the Senate pass the bill.A bill can only be sent to the President for approval if it has been passed by both the House and the Senate. It must be passed by both chambers of Congress with a majority in favor of it.

What happens after a bill is passed in congress?

They ask the president to sign it and if he dissagrees(or vetos it), they have to get a ceirtian precentage to have it passed. After they get the president to sign itso it can be passed, but if he vetos it than the congrass votes on if the bill should be passed or not. i think they have to get 3/4(voting twards the vote) to pass it.

What is the percentage of votes a law needs to be passed on?

Two thirds of both the House of Representatives and the Senate must vote to pass a bill. The bill is then sent to the President. The President can sign or veto the bill. If the President signs the bill, it becomes a law. If he or she veto's the bill, it goes back to the Congress to be worked on until the whole process is complete and the President signs it, or it gets discarded.