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Of course I can. These aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along.

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Q: Can you do force powers
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anything with the electric force is used by pressing and holding the circle button. and if you need more help with your force powers. you can look them up on the rogue shadow. there will be a section on the ship that says force powers. when you are in that menu you can upgrade your force powers, and it also telss you how to use those force powers. p.s. i just beat the game yesterday so this should be of great help.

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Starwars the force unleashed cheats?

I only no 4 but there are others CORTOSIS-Infinite health VERGENCE-Infinite Force COUNTDOOKU-Unlock all force powers TYRANNUS-Max all Force powers to maximum level

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What are invisible woman's powers?

Invisibility and force fields.

What powers atomic bombs?

The strong nuclear force.

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Invisibility and force fields.

What are silvers powers?

Silver's powers are a magical force which he uses to either stop or start something that is happening.