can you make a logical guess how size might affect a nation's willingness to grant citizenship
european nations needed fewer foreign goods.
Many nations do not agree with our form of government, let alone anyone else. Other country's opinions do not effect us.
When companies outsource to developing nations, their communities benefit. They will eventually see their economy pick up because of the influx of money.
um... If you mean "what effects did the American Revolution have on other nations", then the answer would be What effect DIDN'T the American Revolution have on other nations? England lost one of their greatest colonies, the French colonists gained enough courage and allies to have their own Revolution, America was born, allowing everything America has done to come to pass. It allowed the Civil War to happen, it greatly changed the outcome of WWI and WWII, and allowed us to explore the land west of the Appalachian Mountains, allowing us to form a Manifest Destiny, it allowed Canada and Mexico to become their own independent nations... I could go on, but I don't think I have to... This question was utterly pointless.
they had no effect!
No, Unemployment is an insurance paid by the previous employer and should not have a negative effect in a citizenship application.
In effect, Jews and people of Jewish origin were deprived of German citizenship.
The treaty giving back the French colony of Pondichéry, to India came into effect in Aug. 1962. Under the terms of the treaty, the people living there had a six-month period to make a choice between either the French or Indian nationality. The people who did not express their willingness to gain French citizenship were automatically given Indian citizenship at the end of the 6-month period.You can claim French citizenship ONLY IF your father, specifically requested French citizenship at the time meaning that he is/was a French citizen.
Nations making political and military alliances was an effect of militarism.
Most probably there will be no effect, as long as you fulfill the requirements for citizenship.
aggressive nations were given an advantage(:
The program doesn't work properly, e.g. generates invalid output.
To influence their life
Many nations granted freedom to their colonies.
physical topology support multiple logical topology because quality and speed of cable wires effect efficiency of network
To influence their life
Puerto Ricans were first granted US Citizenship by the Jones Act which went into effect on March 2, 1917. This citizenship stopped for a time and was reestablished in 1927. This citizenship is by act of congress not part of the constitution.