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No, it's against the law to do that.

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Q: Can you stay in the house by yourself if you are 9 years old?
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In a divorce how old does the child need to be to pick which house to stay in?

They are not allowed to decide when they are minors so at 18 years old usually. In some states and countries the judge will take your wishes into consideration when you are 12-13 years old.

How many years old to be in house of reps?

You have to be 23 years old

How old do you have to be to stay in a hotel alone?

15 years old

How old is Shelley from house bunny?

27 years old = 59 years old in bunny years

How old to stay home by yourself?

My most safe suggestion is the age 13.

How old to be in house representative?

25 years old.

How old must a person be to be elected to the US House of Representatives and To the Senate?

25 years old for House of Representatives, and 30 years old for the Senate.

How old must a person be to be elected to the US house of the representatives to the senate?

25 years old for House of Representatives, and 30 years old for the Senate.

Can my parents stop me from going to my girlfriend's house if I am 18-years-old?

Not legally but since you live in their house as an emancipated adult it is smart to follow their rules or at least discuss them since they have no obligation to let you stay at their house or to support you anymore.

How old do you have to be to be in the Georgia house of representatives?

25 years old or older

How old is T.J. House?

As of the 2014 MLB season, T.J. House is 24 years old.

How old can a child stay home in California?

12-13 years old, and can only stay on their own for a few hours.