What they stand for is different. Republicans stand for big banks and rich people as where Democrats stand for supporting the less fortunate and making the banks pay. Both parties have their faults, however. Some democrats believe that abortion is right but not all democrats do. Republicans stand for Wall Street.
Democrats sit on the right side .. it's sad that the republicans call them self right wing witch throws people off .. the Lord said fish from the right side of the boat . That's the democrats .. The Lord also.. said the love of money is the root of all evil .. And who loves moneys more then the republicans
Primaries are closed. Republicans and Democrats only vote for their candidates. Independents etc. can still vote in the primary only for public questions. Independents etc. can vote for who they want only in the general election. If an Independent is running in the primary you can only vote that parties candidate. The same with Green Party etc.
Some members of each party believe a) it is not going to work b) could make things worse or c) there are better plans. If all Democrats voted for the plan, and all Republicans voted against, it would pass with 235 votes. But voting did not go exactly by party. In the House vote, approximately 60% of Democrats, and 30% of Republicans were in favor of the plan.
One of the Republican party's platforms is limited federal government. Whether they truly want that is up for debate.
After the dissolution of the Federalist party, former federalists split into both Republicans and Democrats, but the majority became Republicans.
both democrats and republicans
both democrats and republicans
Congress is made up of both Democrats and Republicans. Today the Democrats are in the majority.
Democrats controlled BOTH house from 1955 until 1980 (26 years). From 1981 until 1987 the Republicans controlled the Senate and the Democrats the House. Democrats recaptured both houses in 87 and held them until 95 when the Republicans took both houses and held them until 2005.
Both Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney are Republicans.
yes, plenty of them--both democrats & republicans
They're both human, except I have my doubts about the democrats. Sometimes I think they are aliens from the planet Vulcan
Both Democrats and Republicans support Planned Parenthood.
Congress. The senate is controlled by the democrats, the house by republicans.