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To gain momentum

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Q: Candidate strategy in the early presidential nominating contests is designed chiefly to gain?
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What position did the republican party take on slavery in the 1850s?

The Republican Party as a whole, were against slavery. President Lincoln was a Republican. The Republican party was is the party of the republic, (a republic is the form of government the founders and framers designed), which is the United States. The party was created to give American's that believed in the Constitution a party to stand with. The Constitution is against slavery and so is the republic. The republican party was the first to have an African American and former Slave, Fredrick Douglass, as a vice presidential candidate.

What is the informal presidential advisory group that is made up of close friends and specialists called?

That would be called the presidents cabinet. It's designed to help the president make political decisions and give him advice.

How did congress try to reshape southern society?

After the Civil War ended, one of the main focuses was presidential reconstruction, which created a stronger government to unify the north and south. With reconstruction in place, the South wanted to do it's best to restore order. The closest Congress would allow them to get to that was the intro of black codes(designed to ensure blacks remained second class)

Who designed the first four engine aircraft?

Igor Sikorsky designed and flew the first 4-engine aircraft named LeGrand.

Why did George Washington designed his own uniforms?

Washington enjoyed designing things. Thus, he designed his own uniforms, and the uniforms of the people who fought with him.

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What are All of the designed to get a candidate elected to public office are called?

This is a campaign.

What are the activities designed to get a candidate elected to public office are called .?

a campaign

What are the activities designed to get a candidate elected to public office called?

a campaign

All of activities designed to get a candidate elected to public office are called what?

This is a campaign.

What are All of the activities designed to get candidate elected to public office are called?

This is a campaign.

What All of the activities designed to get a candidate elected to public office are called?

This is a campaign.

All of the activities designed to get a candidate elected to public officers are called?

It's called a campaign.

What is AA candidate?

AA candidate typically refers to an Affirmative Action candidate. Affirmative Action programs are designed to increase representation of minority groups in education and employment. So, an AA candidate would be someone who is considered as part of such initiatives to promote diversity and equal opportunities.

How often is a political party platform written?

American political parties are organized on a national, state, and local basis. Every four years, the parties hold a national convention to nominate a presidential and vice presidential candidate. They also meet to approve a party platform of issues and positions upon which the candidates will run. A party platform is a set of principles, goals, and strategies designed to address pressing political issues.

Even if you get maximum beauty for Pokemon in ruby version how come you don't get good preliminary results for master rank contests?

The master rank preliminary results are designed to give the trainer a disadvantage. This forces you to try extra hard on the second round, making the master rank contests even harder. All of this is used to make the master rank contests more difficult.

Which presidential memorial in Washington DC was designed by Henry Bacon and dedicated on May 30 1922?

The Lincoln Memorial.

Must Ohio delegates vote for only 1 Presidential candidate?

No, Ohio delegates are not required to vote for only one presidential candidate. They have the flexibility to cast their votes for the candidate of their choice during the national convention. However, delegates are typically pledged to vote for a specific candidate based on the results of the state's primary or caucus.