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Indigenous knowledge is basically knowledge that is unique to a specific society, culture, or region. It makes up communication and decision making within these groups.

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Q: Characteristics of indigenous knowledge
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Why is indigenous knowledge importance in ecological?

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Define the term indigenous technical knowledge?

Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) is the knowledge that a particular community acquired from their personal experience which they gain from ancestors over a long period of time.

What is indigenous knowledge and how can it help to preserve conserve or protect ecosystems?

Indigenous knowledge is the knowledge and practices that indigenous peoples have accumulated over generations about their environment. It can help preserve ecosystems by providing insights on sustainable resource management, biodiversity conservation, and adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Incorporating indigenous knowledge into conservation efforts can lead to more effective and culturally appropriate strategies for protecting the environment.

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What are the disadvantages of recording indigenous knowledge?

Recording indigenous knowledge without proper consent or protocols in place can lead to misrepresentation, exploitation, and potential harm to the indigenous communities. It can also risk the loss of cultural integrity and erode traditional knowledge systems. Additionally, if not managed sensitively, it may contribute to the further marginalization of indigenous peoples.

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What is indigenous knowledge systems?

Indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) refer to the complex set of knowledge, skills and technologies existing and developed around specific conditions of populations and communities indigenous to a particular geographic area. IKS constitute the knowledge that people in a given community have developed over time, and continue to develop. It is the basis for agriculture, food preparation, health care, education and training, environmental conservation, and a host of other activities. Indigenous knowledge is embedded in community practices, institutions, relationships and rituals. Herbal medicine is a good example of indigenous knowledge, which has affected the lives of people worldwide. Indigenous knowledge provides the basis for problem-solving strategies for local communities. It represents an important component of global knowledge of development issues. It is often an under-utilized resource in the development process. A key reason for the under-utilization of indigenous knowledge in the development process is the lack of guidelines for recording, codifying and applying such knowledge An understanding is required of indigenous knowledge and its role in community life from an integrated perspective that includes both spiritual and material aspects of a society as well as the complex relation between them. At the same time, it is necessary to understand and to explore the potential contribution of indigenous knowledge to local and national development. It is also necessary to protect, preserve and utilize indigenous knowledge to benefit its owners and the communities where it is practiced. And that such protection, preservation and utilization process requires carefully thought-out research and deliberate effort.

What are the Disadvantages of indigenous knowledge?

Some disadvantages of recording indigenous knowledge include the high possibility of theft of ideas and the records getting lost. In many cases, the stored information can be tampered with and it becomes hard to tell how legit it is.

How do indigenous people classify living things?

Indigenous people often classify living things based on their relationships and connections to the natural world, such as by their role in the ecosystem or by their cultural significance. They may categorize species according to their behaviors, characteristics, and uses within their community. Additionally, some indigenous cultures may have their own unique classification systems based on spiritual beliefs and traditional knowledge.

What were the main aims of agenda 21 in 1992?

The important of indigenous knowledge to local governance

What is indeginous knowledge?

Indigenous knowledge refers to the wisdom, understanding, and practices that have been developed by indigenous communities over centuries. It encompasses a deep connection to the land, natural resources, and the environment, as well as traditional ways of knowing, managing resources, and living in harmony with nature. Indigenous knowledge is often passed down orally from generation to generation and plays a crucial role in sustaining cultural identity and resilience.

How can indigenous knowledge help all British Columbians today?

Indigenous knowledge can contribute to the well-being of all British Columbians by offering sustainable practices and solutions for environmental challenges. By incorporating traditional ecological knowledge and land stewardship practices, indigenous communities can help preserve and protect British Columbia's natural resources. Additionally, indigenous cultural practices and knowledge can enhance understanding, promote healing, and foster reconciliation among all residents of British Columbia.