The congress should have the power to lay taxes, imposts and excises etc.
There are very few specific things that can legally be taxed by the federal government. The specific taxes that Congress may lay and collect includes tariffs, import duties, and some taxes on federally-connected wages and income, but only for federal workers and those who invested in federal instruments. Congress has unlimited taxation authority in the sense that it can make a budget and then send each State a bill for its portion of the bill based on census, but for specific and direct taxes, the Constitution provides very little authority to Congress.
Lay Investiture.
According to the Constitution of the United States, the President cannot write legislation, or impose taxes upon the people. Congress is where these powers lay and once passed by both Houses of Congress the President can sign the legislation or veto it. In recent years, the President has been taking some of this power away from Congress and issuing legislation through Executive Orders. Executive Orders is an allowed power given to the President to take action required immediately necessary due to items such as Acts of War or Natural Disasters when Congress is not in session or could not be gathered quick enough to take action. This was done at a time when it took weeks to cross the country but has been taken as an act to bypass Congress when the action would no pass through Congress using the Constitutional methods.
no they cant it is against the constitution
Congress cannot suspend the right of the Writ of Habeas Corpus unless it is a matter of public safety, it cannot pass ex posto facto laws, it cannot grant a title of nobility, and it cannot lay tax on items exported from and state. Article I, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution lists prohibited behaviors for Congress in detail.
John James Harbrecht has written: 'The lay apostolate' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Charities, Church work, Social service
lay and collect taxes
'Lay people' is a term reffered to the common man by the church. Where there are priests and nuns and the people who attend the ceremony is termed as lay people.
No. Mew cannot be bred, and therefore, cannot lay eggs.
Lay ministry refers to volunteer individuals within a religious community who are not ordained clergy but play active roles in various aspects of the church's work and service, such as teaching, outreach, and leadership. They are often responsible for carrying out specific duties and supporting the overall mission of the church.
both national and state governments
American Gov't they are collect taxes
No they stopped providing the lay-by service.